Monday, January 1, 2018

how cold is it?

Holy cow, I am freezing today!

     I can not believe how cold I feel.  I am sitting here, in the house, with two (2) sweatshirts on! 
     I did go out to feed the birds, and even they were wearing hats and socks!
     A snowman from down the street actually walked to my house and rang the bell to come in!
     It was too cold for the mailman today!
    A neighbor was out running, believe it or not, when he sneezed and three icicles pierced my mailbox!
     The computer on my car flashed a message that read:  Are you kidding me?  No way you are taking me out in this, so go back in the house.
     By the time Corki was done peeing, she had yellow icicles hanging off her butt!
     The animals in the park have petitioned to have their official names changed to brrr instead of deer.
     The gargoyle statue on my patio actually flew south!
     I asked Alexa how cold it was outside and she used a verb as an adjective to describe the day.  (I was thinking freezing cold, just to be clear.  Perverts.)
     The forecast was given in Inuit.
     It is so cold, my mind has started to become I am going to crawl into my sleeping sack and try to get warm.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.  And stay warm and safe.

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