Wednesday, January 10, 2018

light in the tunnel

I found the bingo balls

     I tell you, I looked everywhere!  In the den, in the closet, in the Honda, in the trunk of the Honda, under the seat in the Honda, in the bag of bags, in the recycling mess, in the bedroom, in the closet.....they were nowhere to be found.
     On a whim, I looked in Jackie's car and there they the green bag, like I thought!
     I  never drive that car to Rotary!  But for some reason, there they were.
     And surprise, Emily, I even figured out how to make new bingo sheets without the number 65, because that ball disappeared a year ago.  I now have 3 bingo sheets, all my balls, and a relaxed frame of mind.
     I also spent an hour in the garage going through recycling.
     I sorted plastic bags to recycle, plastic bags for the zoo.  I sorted the cardboard out from the non recyclable plastic, broke up some boxes, crushed some cans and realized I can't save the world.
     Two garbage bags of Christmas wrappings are headed for the landfill because I just can't sort them anymore.  I don't think tissue paper, glittered wrapping paper or foil wrapping paper is recyclable, so they will have to be tossed.
     I've been working on the basement too, and have a huge stack of items to sell at a flea/antique market IF we have a booth. 
     I also found a whole lot of boxes for Christmas presents, including several Marshall Field boxes of various sizes.  I don't know what to do with them, but I have a feeling several will be recycled.
     When done, I had 4 plastic tubs that were empty.  I consolidated and culled.
      I found some treasures I haven't seen for a while:  Buddha, my wooden shoes purchased in Holland, a really good drawing of me that Julia did in third or fourth grade, a great scrapbook of old postcards that I don't remember ever seeing before.  And pictures.  Lots of pictures.  Albums of us when younger, albums of Julia's that she has left here, albums from my parents and boxes of slides.
     I always wanted to take the slides, scan them, and make books.  I always figured that would be a good winter project. 
     Some day.  But not tonight.

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