Tuesday, January 30, 2018

3 in one

I am going to try to see the moon tomorrow

     I understand the best time to see the super, blue, blood  moon is around 6:30.       That is in the a.m.
     I will get up.
    This is what I will see:
     Clouds.  Rain.   Fog.   Snow.  Blizzard like conditions.
     Damn the forecast, it does not matter.
     I just don't have any luck when it comes to celestial events.
    Now, Celestial Seasonings tea is another story.  I love so many of those....I used to have a shelf in the pantry with nothing but CS teas.  But I realized I may have been over-ambitious in my use of coupons, so now I have way less in the line of caffeine free teas.
     But I digress.
     (And no, I am not a paid spokesperson for Celestial Seasonings, although if anyone connected with them happens to read this I am a little low on Mandarin Orange Spice.  And the Sleepytime Honey.   And Sleepytime Mint.  The apple cinnamon is always good too.)
     I have to get up early for exercise class.  (Beth, don't laugh.  I actually have lost .5 of a pound.  That is one half.  1/2.  8 oz.  Progress is slow when you have a food addiction.)
     Might as well get out the binoculars and see if I can see any big moons out there.
     Sleep tight my friends, knowing that the state of the union is the greatest it has ever been.  Pardon me while I clap for me.

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