Tuesday, January 16, 2018

reaching out

I am very opinionated

     Please understand,  my opinions are correct.  Some people may not realize that, but trust me, I am right.
     That being said, sometimes that gets in the way of life.
     For example, if you know someone for a long time and you really don't take a shine to them, there may be a reason.  Or not.
     I have known this person for a long time.  Never got the sense of humor.  Never understood the person.
     Then we sat and talked.  Rather, they talked and I listened.   Turns out the person is caring, compassionate, and does have a good sense of humor.
     Who I heard was a completely different person than whom I saw.  I liked the person talking.
     Now I wonder about some of my other beliefs.  Am I wrong in thinking Portillo's chocolate cake is the best ever made?
     Am I wrong in thinking the Verison and US Cellular commercials are about the worst ever produced?
     Maybe the Chevy commercial where they use real people, not actors is better than what I have given it credit for.
     Is it possible bell bottoms were never cool?
     Should I like beer?
     Maybe spider solitaire isn't a drain on my energy, time and mental abilities.
     Could it be that frequently interrupted nights of sleep are really a benefit?
     Maybe Illinois has good leaders and smart people in charge?
     That may be going to far.
     Maybe it is ok to have people with dementia and bad hearing serving the man who runs the country.  And there is no i in runs, otherwise it would be ruins.
     Why reaching out?  Ahh.... the 60s.  Reach out in the darkness and you may find a friend........   Maybe it wasn't such a bad philosophy after all.

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