Tuesday, January 9, 2018

where are they now

I seem to have lost my balls

     Bingo balls, you sick perverts!  Bingo...like B-4, and O 69.  There you go again!
     Shame on you.
     The week before Christmas, at our last Rotary meeting before the holidays, someone won the bingo game.  (I won't explain it....takes too long.  Suffice it to say the winner splits the pot, which was about $200.  And no, I never win.)
     Since we had bingo winner, I took all the little balls and bingo sheets home so I could leisurely pick the 25 balls for the next sheet.  (I know, only 24 are needed because of the free space, but we also have an instant winner ball.)
     I put the bag of balls and the sheets in a green bag.  And then I put the green bag....who the hell knows where!
     With all the wrappings and trappings of Christmas, it could be anywhere.  I looked in the obvious spots, but did not find it.
     Maybe I left it on top of the car.  Maybe I tossed it.  Maybe it never left the restaurant where we meet.
     Whatever, I can't find them.
     Queeg lost his marbles.
     Rick lost his love.
     Hillary lost the election.
     None of those losses compare to the discomfort I feel in losing my balls.
     A long time ago I took a class with a wonderful woman named Rosemarie.  It was speech for business majors.  I was not a business major, or even a private, but I thought the class would be good for me in the long run,  because I am a fairly quiet and shy person when around people I don't know.
     Why am I bringing this up?  One topic we covered was frozen evaluations....that what you think was at one time, no longer is in the current moment, but you still keep that original evaluation.
     So, maybe it wasn't a green bag.  Maybe it wasn't even a bag. 
     Maybe I didn't drive the Honda. 
     So much to ponder.
     Hopefully I will find them tomorrow.  If I do, I will be sure to hold onto them tightly before they slip through my fingers again.

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