Saturday, January 6, 2018

it's a conspiracy

I have not won the lottery

     And there is a good reason for that.   
     Lottery officials and government operatives don't want me to win.  They know I will do too much good with the money.
     Like buying an island where no one can contact me and ask for money.  You know what I am talking about.
     The world is filled with conspiracies.
     I just read that we have already colonized Mars, but the people who did it are hiding the fact from us.  Government does not want us to know.
     Conspiracies are all around us.  We just don't recognize them.
     Not hitting the green lights?  Conspiracy.
     Not getting the great gas mileage you thought you would in your vehicle?      Conspiracy.
     Kennedy's death, Marilyn Monroe, Area 51, cars that run on water, Elvis's death....all conspiracies.
     And now the lottery. 
     They have rigged the games to not pick any of the numbers I choose!  It's a travesty!  An injustice of epic proportions!!  An outrage!
     I can say all that, cause I have no proof.  None at all.  But that doesn't mean it couldn't happen, does it?
     After all, the needles on a live Christmas tree start to fall off around Jan 5.  Another conspiracy.
     And this month we will have two full moons, both of them super moons.
That can only happen once every 3,218 years or when the government wants to mess with our minds.
     I just hope Big Brother isn't monitoring this because I know for a fact that

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