Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I taut I saw

I may have seen part of the eclipse today

     I got up and went outside at 6:30.  The moon was low in the western sky, and I could see just a crescent of it at the bottom.  Then it disappeared.  I don't know if the clouds finished the job or what.
     I wish I had gotten up earlier.  I have seen lots of pictures on line and it looked like a neat event.
     There will be another one in 26 years or so, which means the odds of me     seeing it are slim to almost none. 
     Like the eclipse, life seems to have gone by too quickly.  Sometimes hidden in clouds, life seems to have a funny way of passing you, and grabbing you, pulling  you kicking and screaming down the road of .... , well, life.
     To all you youngin's out there....don't let life pass you by.  Grab it, hold on to it as if it's a piece of Portillo's chocolate cake.  Take huge bites, and enjoy it, every last crumb.
     There are not enough eclipses in life that you can just ignore them.
     Now, I'm dragging my creaking old body to bed, hoping for a good night's sleep.
     Peace out.  Spread joy in the world. 

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