Friday, January 19, 2018

uh ohhhh

I celebrated too much tonight

     Maybe celebrated is not the right word.  Had fondue, and ate too much.
I can feel the cheese coagulating in my belly.
     Washed it down with hot tea and cool wine....Julia would be proud of us!
     Fondue is a winter meal in Switzerland, so tonight seemed like a good night to have some.   After all, it is winter in Illinois, isn't it?
     It's hard for me to keep track.  One day we are freezing, the next day it's in the 40s.  I can see why people are sick, it is not cold enough long enough to kill germs.
     Yes we did have that stretch of 20 days where the temp never got past the teens, but it is winter in Illinois, so we should expect stretches like that.
     I am bothered by the lack of snow.
     It's all my fault.
     Three years ago I got my snowshoes re laced.....and it hasn't snowed enough to use them since.
     Yes, we got a lot in December last year, but I was in Switzerland where I could not go sledding because there was no snow!
     February is just around the corner, which means winter is on its way out.
     I must have blinked and missed it.

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