Sunday, January 21, 2018

little cat feet my butt

This was not a pretty day

     Carl Sandburg got it right about the fog coming on little cat feet, but this cat didn't roll on like it did in his poem.
     What bothered me on my drive back and forth to DeKalb was the number of people who did not have lights on on their vehicles.  Nothing says safety like driving a dark car in the fog without lights.  Or driving a car with one headlight, or non working brake lights.
     I don't know if people are just that trusting in others on the road or just that oblivious to the risks inherent in driving in fog, rain, or snow during the daytime.
Put on your headlights!!!
     Watching football was no relief.  When Alshon Jeffery scored for the Eagles I flashed back to when he played for the Bears and the QB couldn't find him.  Often he was on the bench hurt, but lots of times he was on the field open.  Those were the days.
     I  barely watched football until last weekend, and I wanted to see how far the Vikings could go after the miracle in Minnesota.  But that performance wasn't repeated today, sadly. 
     On the plus side, I got my Kindle up and running,  now I have to figure out how to download books from the library.
     With my technical knowledge, that could be an all day process.
     Hopefully tomorrow will be sunny and clear, or 100 percent opposite the forecast.
     Peace to all you dudes and dudettes.

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