Friday, January 12, 2018

growing pains

This is not a medical report

     I have to say that because those of us of a certain age always seem to talk about our health.
   Me:  Hey Marc, I haven't seen you in a long time.  How are you?
   Marc:  (Sniffles loudly, coughs three times before wheezing out an answer) Oh I'm fine.  The doctor said the lung may grow back in time and the huge abscess in my mouth is not cancer, just an STD I picked up from my girlfriend Zelda.  Sure, she may have just gotten two new hips and a new leg, but once she get out of drug rehab I am sure she will be fine.
   Me:  Good to know.
   Marc:   My gall bladder is much better since they removed it and my appendix following the fainting spell I had at the bar.  I fainted, but people thought I passed out so I was there quite a while, which caused me to have huge line across my face, which I thought was food poisoning from the three day old hard boiled eggs.
     You get my drift.
     When I was younger, all the old folks talked about were their aches and pains, medications and illnesses.  Jackie and I vowed never to be like that.
     But here we are.  Don't bother with politics, state of the economy, Blago's hair, religion or the price of tea in China, if you want to get old people talking, ask them about their health.
     Just remember.....we were young once too.  And someday, you'll be in our shoes, probably complaining about fallen arches, ingrown toenails and bunions.
     Enjoy your passes too quickly.

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