Sunday, January 28, 2018


Sometimes I just have to laugh

     We have an interim minister in the church we attend.  He is likeable, personable, funny, and gives very good and animated sermons.
     He is constantly making eye contact with people in front of him, behind him and beside him.
     Which is where I was today, just sitting a little behind him on his right.
     We had our annual meeting at church before the service.  There was a breakfast with eggs, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit, sausage, little pastries, and did I mention sausage?
     The seven deadly sins was the sermon topic.  As a refresher he started listing them and when he hit gluttony, he looked straight at me!
     Had he seen me gobbling up sausages like a crazed man?  Did he notice the multiple trips to the bacon tray?  Were the crumbs of the little cherry danishes still on my chin?  Was it coincidence?
      I froze in place.  It must have been 15 minutes before everyone looked away.
     Then the horror set what point does lust come up?  Will I be held up as the poster child for that?
     After the service, I just casually asked if he was referring to my ample girth when discussing gluttony, or just my several trips to the bacon and sausage trays.
     We laughed about it  because I know it was not intentional.  I also thanked him for ignoring me on lust.
     There are ministers that I never would have said that too, because they would take me seriously, but Rev. Ed is pretty darn unique.  Too bad he is only our interim.
     Peace out dudes and dudettes....sleep well and prepare to shovel in the morning!
     (Note:  I am not saying you will have to.  Just saying prepare to.)

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