Sunday, January 7, 2018

resolutions, seriously

I do have some New Year's resolutions

     Yes, I am aware today is the end of the first week, so one resolution will not be to stop procrastinating.
     So, what are my resolutions?

     *1 drawer a week.  I resolved to clean out one drawer, somewhere in this house, every week.  I will empty it, evaluate the contents for usefulness, and clean it.
     *Send my book to a publisher.  I have finished it, except for some edits.  I need to send it off to publishers with the hopes that someone likes it.  If not, fine.  I can accept that.  Maybe.
     *Sell the posts.  I have three posts in the basement.  They measure 2 foot by 2 foot.  They were designed to fit in our family room, but when they were delivered it became obvious you cant' have 6 foot of pillars in a 12 foot wide room.  So we had new ones built, smaller and only two of them.  But the originals are in the basement, gathering dust.  Two of them could be used to make a neat bar, you could put a light on the top of them, you could use them in your house....but they have to go.
     *Sell my old desk.  My aunt gave it to us  It's from the 1940s, has a leather inlay top and I believe it is cherry.  I have not used it in this house, and probably will never use it again.  It's a neat old desk though.
     *Sell Julia's table.  She has a Formica table, highly in demand.  I have seen then selling for 700-800 on E-bay.  She bought it her first winter home from Switzerland because she was only going to be there a year.  Well, 16 years later she gave me the OK to sell it for her.
     *Watch more movies.  Working on this. I have seen The Greatest Showman, Star Wars...The Last Jedi, Defiance and have The Post and Darkest Hour on my list for the next two weeks.
     I really need to do these things.  I hope someone reminds me to read this on March 1 and check off what has been done.  Or not done.
     Resolutions.  I hope I can actually accomplish some of them.

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