Monday, January 29, 2018

just starting, maybe

I opened one of my Christmas presents today

     And so far, it is driving me  nuts!

     I have a systematic approach.  I spread all the pieces out on a table and then play music.
     I sort through the pieces, looking for ones with straight edges.  I figure those are the sides, right?
     Well, the top of the puzzle is not going together.  I have 6 pieces with straight edges, but only 5 fit....and the missing space is not the one I have left.   Somewhere along the top I have put pieces together incorrectly, but I have looked and looked and looked to no avail.
     Puzzles are hard for me.  I have a short attention span.  I am not organized.  I give up quickly.  I get frustrated.
     I put together a Wrigley Field puzzle last year and actually figured out how to glue it and frame it.
     Funny story.
    The puzzle is 16 x 20, so I bought a 16 x 20 frame that loads from the front.  The problem is, the puzzle thickness is more than a photo, so I can't put the glass back on the puzzle.
     So I bought a second frame, at a price somewhere near $20, but it back loads and the puzzle fits.
     I think I wanted proof that I finished it.
     Now I just need a 16 x 20 photo for the $6 frame.....that will cost a fortune.
    Anyway, just a couple of other pictures that are semi related to this bit of drivel.

     Yes, sometimes my mind is in a fog, like this irrigator.
     Stay well, dudes and dudettes.

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