Wednesday, January 17, 2018


I am glad I don't live in Russia

     It was reported that the temp in some remote, northern areas of Russia dropped to -88!  Negative 88!!!!  Holy crap, that is almost 100 degrees colder that we were in Illinois!
     I know they are a hardy breed, but that is just too frigid for anyone to experience.
     I read where layers are recommended when it gets cold.  I think I would look like the Pillsbury doughboy because I would have at least 7 layers on besides my natural body fat, known to be an effective insulator against the cold.
     Heck, I have three on now and it is a relatively balmy 15 as I write this, but the wind makes it seem like it is too cold to go outside.
     Of course, I have gone through three hats in the past two weeks...... I can't seem to hold on to anything lately.
     I did read an interesting article on tinnitus today.  I probably should have had the the tinnitus topic tomorrow, Thursday, but I opted for now.
     There is a machine that has earphones and a small electrical impulse that can actually rewire your brain to block out the ever present tinnitus.
     I honestly think that is part of my sleeping problem..... I hear this constant high pitch and a sound that mimics cicadas.  I never have moments of total quiet. 
     Once in a while I will attempt to answer a phone that isn't ringing, or check a timer that isn't dinging because in my head, I can hear it plainly.
      It seems funny, and I do laugh about it.
     But I wish I could step outside at night and hear nature. 
     This new device is still in the testing stage and does not offer relief to all tinnitus suffers.  Plus, it is not permanent........ but at this point, I would love to have just a day and night of silence.
     I don't know if I have ever shared that with people.
     Now you know.
     Peace and love, dudes and make the world a better place.

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