Saturday, January 13, 2018

wolf!! wolf!!

I apologize to the people of Hawaii

     I didn't do anything, but I am still apologizing.
     It seems residents received a text message that there was an incoming missile and that they should take shelter immediately.  There was a "This is not a drill" warning.
     I know, on the surface it is kind of funny.
    But I was a young teen during the Cuban missile crisis and nuclear war was a possibility.
     For those who were not around at the time, Russians had built some missile launch pads in Cuba.  President Kennedy said that was a no no.  To prove a point, he ordered a naval forces to stop any ships heading to Cuba and tell them to go back to Russia.
    The Russian ships were headed toward Cuba.  The Navy was on patrol.  The news every night warned of an impending showdown on the high seas. 
     In school, we were had drills....hiding under the desks and away from windows in case of an attack.
     Like I said, I was young.  I foolishly believed hiding under a cheap metal and wood desk would protect me from a nuclear device.
     Then I read Hiroshima by John Hersey and it scared the hell out of me.      Nothing can protect you from a nuclear bomb.
     The best advice I saw hanging in a gas station:

In case of nuclear attack:
Drop pants and underwear to floor.
Put head between legs.
Kiss your sweet ass goodbye

I   I think that is the best anyone could do.
    So, friends in Hawaii, I apologize for the stupidity of humans to have created such horrific devices.
     Peace to all the dudes and dudettes in the whole world.
    And good night.

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