Monday, January 22, 2018

eek, eeek double eeeek

Spiders don't scare me, much

Spider, spider on the wall
ain't you got no sense at all?
Can't you see that walls been plastered?
Get off of there you dirty....spider.

     See?  No fear.
     Julia had a basement storage unit at her old apartment in Switzerland.  In the fall, spiders from the vineyards would "migrate" into the building, frequently setting up house in the storage unit.
     Julia is deathly afraid of spiders.
     We were there in the fall and I volunteered to go clean out some stuff in the unit.
     She said the spiders were big.
     Pish, posh, I said and made my way to the basement, armed with a can of bug spray.
     (I know spiders are not insects....but that was the spray.)
     I turned on the light and saw the  biggest freaking spider I had ever seen in my life!  And it was not alone!
     I sprayed it and it just shook its body a couple of times.  I could feel its eyes sizing me up.
     I used a whole can of spray on two spiders.....and I think it just got them high.
     One of them made its way toward me and I squashed it with my foot.  I actually stomped as hard as I could.  Fear is a motivator.
     I think it is when they suddenly appear in my field of vision that scares me the most.
     This morning I was sweeping the kitchen floor when a huge black mass started across the room.
     I stomped on it, squishing it completely.
     Then I got a paper towel and cleaned up the blueberry Jackie had dropped.
     Like I said, spiders don't scare me much....but blueberries are another story.

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