Thursday, January 18, 2018

I didn't know....

I love the Sunday funnies in the Tribune

     I always waited for the paper at my house in Chicago.  I read the funnies first.  I guess they are called the comics, and they are in color.
     Way back when, there was an 8 page comic section, but now it has dwindled down to 4. 
     My favorites are there, Zits, anything by Joe Martin, and Brewster Rockit.  And of course Doonesbury.  Actually, almost all of them are my favorites.
     Brewster Rockit is set in space and sometimes they mix a little knowledge in with the strip.
     For example, lately they have been commenting on an asteroid headed toward Earth.  It will pass Earth sometime in 2018.  It won't be close enough to hit us, but it will be visible.
     It's called the skull in the strip because it resembles a human skull.  Kind of eerie. 
      Last week they even gave it a scientific name.... asteroid 2015 TB145.  So of course I Googled it and....surprise!  It is a real asteroid!  And artists' conceptions, based on scientific data, give it a face that resembles a skull!
     So the comic strip, while funny, is based on an actual event.
     If you look at the Dick Tracy strip, for years he has been using an Apple watch!  He calls it a 2 way wrist radio, but Tracy has been using it since I was a kid.... and now fiction has become truth.
     If you are   bored, try checking out 2015 TB 145.....kind of spooky. 
     And no, it does not look like me.
     Now I am just waiting for a holder to pull the ball up from a kicker like Lucy does every time to poor Charlie Brown.
     Life imitates art .... or does art imitate life?
     I am not sure anymore.

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