Thursday, January 4, 2018

for the birds

Today was, shall I say, unusual?

     Surprising how you get used to a third person in your house, and then they leave.  The house seems a little quieter, perhaps too quiet.
     I was doing a crossword puzzle at the kitchen nook table when I heard a loud bang on the window.
    I looked out and there was a little bird on the ground next to the stairs, not moving.
     I went out and poked it with my finger, and it moved a little.
    So I did what any sane person would do:  Let the dog out and Corki ate it!
    No, just kidding.  Although I do think she would eat a bird if she caught one.
    I got a shoe box and picked up the bird and put it in the box.  I put a lid on the box.
     Then I cut a paper cup down to a half inch and put water in it and set that inside the box.  I also put some bird seed in the box, and set it all out in the garage.
     Yes, it was cold out there, but not as cold as outside.
     About 15 minutes later, I went out and the bird was surprisingly hoppy.  It must have had a headache.  I think it had been drinking water, and maybe eating some of the seed.
     Anyway, I put my hand in the box and it jumped up onto my hand and sat on my thumb!  I wish I had my camera, it was pretty cool.  (No pun, although it was about -459 in the garage.)
     After a few more minutes it decided to test its wings and flew over to the window.  So I opened the garage doors and eventually the little birdie flew the non coop.
     In other news.....  I was putting Christmas away today, and I had to wrap something.  Julia left some bubble wrap behind, so I grabbed it and went to the dining room.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered I actually grabbed the end of a about 20 feet of bubble wrap had to be rewound.

My patient

stopping buy for lunch

The place to go for poultry

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