Thursday, January 25, 2018

needless needles

I don't like needles

     Not the kind you knit with, or sew with, or use to tie the butt of a turkey together so the stuffing doesn't fall out.  They are all fine.
     But the kind medical people shove in your arms to give medications or take blood.
     I take some meds that may affect a vital organ, so I have to have a blood test every four months to be sure I am ok.
     I dread it.
     At my first blood draw, I may have fainted.  Suffice it to say, I had to lay down for following draws.
     I am much better now.
     I take off my glasses, look away, maybe hum a little tune and I don't look.
     It all goes fairly well.
     I also get nervous, and tend to use the bathroom a lot.
     I had blood drawn today and it went ok.  Except for me forgetting to put my glasses back on and wondering why I was going blind, I did ok.  And yes, I was already back in the waiting room when I realized I could not see stuff very clearly.
     But in addition to a routine blood test, I was supposed to leave a urine sample.
     I wish I had known that before I made three trips to the bathroom.
     I was given directions on how to properly prepare myself for the sample and how to properly pee in the cup.
     I told her we were out of luck this morning.
    She said I could take it home and do it at home.  But if I could not bring it back right away, I should put it in the refrigerator until I can.
     I want everyone I know to know this:  TD does not store urine in his refrigerator under any circumstances.
     Now, that is a sentence I never expected to write in this life.

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