Sunday, December 31, 2017

looking ahead

I have a hard time with resolutions

     I usually don't keep them.  This little blog is actually a resolution from 2014, a resolution that I managed to keep.
     But I fail 99.9 per cent of the time.
     I don't eat healthy.
     I have not sent a book to a publisher.
     My desk has not been kept  clean.
     I still don't have patience.
     None of my pictures are in books since 2011.
     I have yet to ride 500 miles in a summer.
     The basement and garage are still a mess.
     I don't exercise regularly.
     All of those have been resolutions at one point or another.  And I have not kept them. goes for 2018.
     I resolve to wake up every morning.  If for some reason I break this resolution, be sure Jackie follows the plan.
     I resolve to complain about people:  the ones who don't signal when turning, ride their ATVs and snowmobiles on private property or on park land, speeders, people who litter, drivers who don't use turn lanes, motorists texting or driving distracted, Cardinal and Packer fans.
     There are others, but I don't have enough space to list them all.
     I resolve to stay active by volunteering someplace and doing things with other people.  Like, drinking wine, or something similar.
     I resolve to keep drinking expensive, hoity-toity coffees.
     I resolve to not age gracefully, but to go kicking and screaming into my 70s.
     I resolve to continue to make lists and then lose them or ignore them, depending on the situation.
     There.  I set some resolutions.
     I hope you all have a healthy and happy 2018. 
    Peace and happiness be with you all.

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