Saturday, January 20, 2018

damn computers

I just don't get these new fang led things

     Passwords are the worst.
     I have a different password for every account and website that requires a password.
     At last count, that was 1,453 different passwords, all of which I need to commit to memory so I can access a site when I need too.
     So....the importance of writing them down is paramount.
     Wednesday I tried to log into my Xfinity account because we kept getting an error message on the tv.  The directions said log into your account to troubleshoot.
     I could not remember the password. 
     So, I clicked on the forget you password link.
     I answered the security question.
     Not the correct answer.
     I had a text sent to my phone.  Waited.  Waited.  Waited.  No text.
     I had a text sent to my phone again.  Waited.  Waited.  Waited.  No text.
     So I played solitaire, did my blog, went to bed.
     I tried again Thursday.
     This time I answered the security question correctly.  At that point, I opted to reset my password.
     I typed in password 12345 and confirmed it and voila, got into my account.
(No, that is not my password.  I would never reveal my password as password 12345.  But it is easier to remember than Uncle buck &* is a funny guy.)
     Then I went to read my e mail, typed in password 12345 and got the message that it does not match my account.
     I figured it was just a matter of time for accounts to sync, so I stopped trying.
     Later in the day I tried again, same message.
     So I went back to Xfinity and changed my password again, this time to password 123456.
     Could not get my e mail through the Comcast mail, but I could get it through my Xfinity page.
     So I closed out of e mail, did some stuff, and two hours later came back to the computer and tried again........invalid password.
     Friday morning.....invalid password.
     At that point I went into my Comcast account and I think I changed the password there to passwword 123456m but to be honest I have changed so many freakin passwords I don't know!
     Friday afternoon.......e mail. 
     I don't understand it.  Isn't Xfinity Comcast? 
     I don't want to understand it.
     It's just damn frustrating.

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