Friday, January 26, 2018

drat, missed it?

I got confused on the garbage thing today

     Our recycling day is every other Thursday.  Our garbage pickup is every Friday.
     I usually mark my calendar so I remember recycling....but I forgot to on the new calendar.
     So when I woke up Thursday, I today recycling or was it last week?  My bins are not particularly it could be either one.
     I did the sensible thing:  I called the collectors.
     They assured me Thursday was recycling day, BUT, with the icy conditions they were running a day behind, so recycling would be Friday and garbage Saturday.
     The recycling guys never come until late morning, so I am always safe taking it out in the a.m.  And since the garbage was coming Saturday, no need to take out the trash Thursday night.
     I heard the truck coming down the street in the morning, but I wasn't dressed.
They picked up the  garbage.
     I hurried, got dressed, loaded all the garbage in the trunk of the car and drove to Emily's, planning to drop the garbage off there.  It took me a little longer than it should, because I dropped a bag in the kitchen and had to clean that up first.
     This was all on my way to cardiac rehab, of which I only have 5 sessions left, but that is another story.
      Got to Emily and John's and .... their garbage is already picked up too.
     So I drove to the hospital with three bags of stinking garbage in my trunk.  I figured it was cool, how bad could it be?
     After rehab I got in the car and almost gagged.  It was that bad.  I drove home with the windows open and the heater on high.
     I called the disposal people and they again said they were running a day behind and even though they picked up today, they were also going to pick up on Saturday, she thought.
     It's out tonight.  We'll see what happens next.
     I have to be someplace tomorrow, so if it is really windy, just drive by and make sure my can isn't blowing toward Creston.
     Life should be simpler.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

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