Monday, October 31, 2016

a new record

We set a trick or treater record tonight

     We had 7.  Or six, I lost count with the first group.
     Last year we had something like.....0, or one.  I don't remember.
     I  do know that for several years we bought the full size Hershey bars to give out and I ended up eating them after Oct. 31.
     So this year I bought small packs of M and M and Payday....because I like both of them.  I figure if we have left overs, it should be something I like.
      Now stop that, I am not being selfish.   Jackie said don't buy stuff she likes cause she will only eat it.  Her words.  So I bought candy she does not like.
     The biggest surprise came when I turned on the Bears.  13-0, Bears winning.
     That won't last.
     But that's what happens when you have a QB that can throw farther than 8 yards...
     Happy Halloween!!

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