Sunday, October 30, 2016

where's the nerve pills

I just watched an exciting game 5

     What a game!  Cubs are not dead!!  On to Cleveland and a historical comeback series victory!!
     Back in Cleveland, our buddy Schwarber will be the DH, which will make for some interesting baseball.
     I still think they can win this!!
    When they do, you may not be able to celebrate with guacamole!  Seems there is an avocado shortage.
     Prices have almost doubled from 90 cents to $1.65, on the national average, over the last six months.  And the little green things can get even more pricier as they become more difficult to get.
     Climate change is one reason.  But the biggest reason seems to be us.  We consume an average of 5 pounds of avocados a year per person in the United States....more than triple from 5 years ago.
     So  as you plan your World Series victory parties, New Year's Eve celebrations and Super Bowl might want to have a back up.
     Back up.  That's what the Cubs are going to be in three days!!
     Go Cubs Go!

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