Tuesday, October 18, 2016

ouch, that didn't hurt

I got my flu shot today

     But not from my daughter.  It seems our insurance does not cover the flu shot at a certain store where my daughter works, but does cover it from a certain store where she used to work.
     Of course, Em called that pharmacist to warn them the biggest baby in history was coming in for a flu shot along with his wife.
     No, I did not faint.  Or flinch.  Or cry.
     I got a sticker.  Then I went to visit my daughter and got yelled at for wearing a competitor's sticker into their pharmacy.  (Actually, I think I had three stickers by this time.)
     Why get the shot now?
     Because a couple of people have come down with the flu.  The longer we wait the more exposed we become.  I don't want to be sick when the Cubs open the World Series in 10 days.  (Yes, I know they are down 2-1.  Yes, I realize the bats are silent.  Yes, the dreaded K man will pitch again.  I believe the Cubbies are just sloughing off to increase the drama and tv ratings.  You'll see.  They'll be pounding the ball like crazy tomorrow.)
     So now I am protected.  Safe.  Healthy.  So is Jackie.
     You should protect yourself too......but check your insurance first.
     It didn't even hurt.

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