Monday, October 10, 2016


I am watching the Cubs

     Hopefully there will be a win by the time I am done with this little epistle.
     I write during commercials.
     Which are my concern tonight.
     The commercial with the llama, or alpaca, makes me wonder:  How can the animal raises its hands at the end?  How does it stand?  Seems to me it would fall down.  And where are the other players when he misses the inside the park home run?
     And the commercial where the little guy spills his nachos on the really big guy...they order a new jersey on their phone.  How does it get delivered to the ball park?
     I know...they are commercials.  They are not meant to reflect reality in any way.
     Cubs just brought in the eighth.  That is not good.
     The announcers drive me nuts.  They actually said, "The Cubs starting pitching has been good, but San Francisco just hasn't been hitting the ball."  Maybe, just maybe the starting pitching being good has something to do with that.
     And why do the people in the Chevy commercials seem, I don't know, simple?  They drive me nuts too.
     Well, it's now 5-5 in the bottom of the, I'll be devoting my full attention to the Cubs win.
     This is the year!!

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