Tuesday, October 4, 2016

the end is near

We made it to Cleveland

     Did not get lost.  Drove from Cooperstown to here in about 7 hours.  We stop a lot.  She needs to walk and I need to relieve myself.
     When I picked Cleveland, I had no idea it was almost exactly half way from Cooperstown!     Seriously, it was like 2 miles difference from Cleveland to Cooperstown and Cleveland to Rochelle.    It makes it easy to travel to Cooperstown to watch someone graduate in the spring, or just visit.
     Anyway, we are in Westlake, a little west of Cleveland.  Our hotel tonight is new...opened in June...and the room is very nice.  Walk in shower.  Grab bars.  Plenty of room.
     All in all it was a pretty routine, maybe boring, day once we left Cousin Bob and Anita and Cooperstown.
     Went to A Cheesecake Factory for supper and ate weigh too much.  (That was a pun, done intentionally.)  In fact, I could not finish my 30th anniversary chocolate layered cheesecake.    Seriously, I could not eat all of it.
     But I did find the sausage that we had five days ago...or the rest of the sausage.  It has not been refrigerated, but I could smell it in the van.  I did toss it.
     We got to the room and went to plug in our dead phones, but could not find either charger.  Looked through all the suitcases, went out to the car and searched under the seats, but nothing.
     Turns  out someone had them in a hidden pocket.
     Not mentioning any names.
     Now, to bed and hopefully, early to rise.

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