Saturday, October 15, 2016

what a week

I am really tired today
     This has been a long week.  Early meetings, zoo day, Chicago trip.....all made for a tired guy today.
     Today I spent 3 hours downtown at the museum helping with the S'mores...which seemed to be a hit.
     In fact, the whole event seemed to be a hit.  BBQ was sold out by 3, doughnuts were gone by 1, pork chops were so popular they went into their reserve.
     And the museum sold over 125 delicious marshmallow, chocolate and graham cracker treats.
     I've had a couple of glasses of pretty mediocre wine and enjoyed watching the Cubs rally and win.
     So to bed.....dreaming of a ticket to paradise, or Wrigley for a WS game.
     This is the year.

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