Friday, October 28, 2016

divorce, anyone?

Maybe I should file for divorce

     Don't get your shorts in an knot.  I'm not.
     But the guy who founded a cancer treatment empire is in the middle of a divorce case.  They are fighting over a living allowance for his wife.
     She wants $400,000.   A month.
     In court it was pointed out that during their 15 years of marriage, she grew accustomed to a life including travelling by private jet, collecting exotic birds, lavish parties and a house in the Virgin Islands with a full time staff.
     Therefore she was "entitled" to a sum of money that accommodated that lifestyle.
     Can you imagine $400,000 a month to live on?  That would have been about 10 years of my salary as a teacher.
     Now I am accustomed to travel by jet, granted it's economy class; lavish parties that involve Cheeze Whiz and crackers; a damn pigeon on my roof instead of exotic birds; and a house in Switzerland with a spare bedroom.
     (To clarify:  The house is not ours.  The spare bedroom is ours to use.  No staff.)
     (Further clarification:  There is a pigeon living on our roof.  I have chased him away, but he comes back.  Last night he scared the crap out of me because he was sitting on the edge up there, just staring at me when I took the dog out.  He, or she, is leaving a lot of poop up there!  Can I shoot it?)
     Hell, I should have married the guy.  I would love $400,000 to maintain my lifestyle.  And that amount is net, after taxes, not gross.
     Well, come to think of it, it is gross.
     Actually, on my lifestyle I could bank about $399, lifestyle isn't too lavish after all.
     But  I could easily pay for the new well pump we had to have installed today.   At least we have water.
     And that's worth at least a million a month to me.

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