Wednesday, October 26, 2016

it takes forever

I washed some windows today

     I did interiors.  It was too rainy to go out side for anything, let alone wash a window.
     Anyway...we have a triple pane window.  Two panes are filled with something to increase the insulation.  Those two are factory sealed, never to be opened unless by a hammer, baseball, or flying shoe.  The third pane, the one on the room side, also provides insulation in the form of air space plus has space to permit installation of grids, shades, blinds....whatever.  The third pane snaps into place.
     Over time, the third pane seems to get dirty.  Dusty.  Streaked.  So, for the second time, I decided to open the third pane, clean the windows, and have nice views.
     Sounds easy.
     First five windows were fine, top and bottom.
     In the blue bedroom, the spring popped on the window.  (There is a spring attached to a string attached to a plastic gizmo that all works to prevent the window from flopping down and hitting you on the head.)
     This has happened before, but I could not remember how to rethread it.
After about 20 minutes, maybe 30, some choice language, a warning to Jackie not to talk to me until I was done, I proudly reassembled the unit and moved on to the next window.
     Sprooong!  The spring flew across the room.
     I repeat the process, this time cutting the work time down because I was experienced.  (Just like Hendrix.)
     Put the window back together, open the next and SPRONNG!  Spring goes flying, I start cursing....
     There are six window panes in the blue room.  5 of them popped!  Five!!  It took me an extra hour to clean the windows!
     What the hell??
     So, I did not get as much done as I had hoped.   But I am quite good at putting the string onto the spring.
     I only have two windows to go....and I hope they don't spring eternal!
     But the day was salvaged by a World Series win by the Cubs.  Yes, I know the Sox have played a WS twice in my life time, winning one; but this is pretty exciting for me.  I love the Cubs.
     And  I am still looking for a miracle.

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