Monday, October 3, 2016

hey, hey!

I visited some old friends today

     Ernie, Ronnie, Billy, Fergie, Three Fingers........ all legends in their time in the world of baseball.
The Hall of Fame is a pretty awesome place.  A lot of history, and not all of it pretty.
     It was especially heartbreaking, and maddening, to read of the hatred directed at black ball players....even into the 1970s.  Jackie Robinson got hate mail, so did Henry Aaron, all because they were playing a game with whites.  Truly a sad commentary on our fundamental belief that all men are created equal.
     Enough of that.
     Also reconnected with Karissa to give her some museum passes and take her picture!  She is such a bubbly, sweet girl.  I am glad we got to see her again.
     Had lunch at Fry Creek Cider Mill and spent $80 in the gift shop.  Don't ask, and don't shop hungry.
     We capped off the day by going to a brewery and doing a beer sampling.  I say we, because my cousin Bob and his wife Anita spent the day with us.
     I am not a beer drinker, but some of the beers were pretty darn good.  I found out I really don't like IPA........ too bitter for me.
     Cooperstown is a beautiful little town.  We loved the Victorian houses and the old looking buildings.  But they all sell baseball memorabilia..... go figure!
     I am feeling like I have a cold...does not bode well for the drive home.
     We hit the road in the a.m........wish us luck!

I took this picture.  Sure, it looks like a pro did it and it looks like it might be in a frame and maybe there is a glare off the car window glass but not the glass in the frame, but I did take it

This is the year!

He was one of the greats....even though he was a Card!  Still admire The Man.

I think we met the player who wore this uniform while in Cuba.

Karissa and I matched for the picture!!

No milk involved

Bob, Anita and Jackie
This one I did take.....just not a lot of color.

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