Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I rode my bike today

     Nov. 1, and I am out riding my bike.  Granted, I did not ride far...just 4.4 miles, but I rode.  Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to go a little farther.
     I ran out of light today.  I did not get home from my coaching duties until about 5:45, so two laps around the subdivision was all I felt comfortable with as the dark was consuming me like a Halloween ghost and a Snickers bar.  Plus, I had to let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof) before I could eat supper and have a little candy.
     I had to ride to make up for all the candy I have had since so few came to our house.
     Talked to my friend John from the city and he said they were actually lined up on the walk outside his house, waiting their turn for candy.
     Seems the Trib named their neighboring neighborhood as a good one for trick or treating.
     Our neighborhood is good for trick or treating too.....but no one knows that.
     Hopefully tomorrow Jackie will hide the rest of the candy and I will not gorge on it until it's gone.  If only I could ration it, one candy a day.
     Hah!  That will never happen.
     Anyway, it's the top of the ninth and the Cubs are leading 7-2.
     Hope that holds for three more outs.

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