Sunday, October 16, 2016

can't spelll anymore

I think my mental skills are slipping away

I can't seem to type or spell correctly anymore.
Words are all mumbled and jumbled.
Just like a football Green Bay fumbled.
Words I used to easily spell
I now just wonder, what the hell!
why doesn't it look rite two me.
Is it calendar or calandar
truly sometimes I don't care
but other times I just hope
I am not looking like a dope
who can not spell or write very well.
Letters jiust magically appear
because the keys are just too near
and my big foingers can't seem to hit
the right key all the time; Oh shit
I did it again, and again I see
some more misspellings by me.
I think I"ll just head off to bed;
 Maybe sleep will clear my head.

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