Monday, October 24, 2016

wish I lived on 34th street

I do believe in miracles
     They just don't believe in me.
     I entered the lottery for the chance to buy tickets but my number did not come up.  So, no tickets.  I can't spend $2,000 on a standing room ticket, knowing that is airfare to Europe.
     On the other hand, it would be super awesome to be there when they win next Sunday night.
     I am torn.
     I also buy lottery tickets.  I guess that is another miracle that I probably will not witness in my lifetime.  If I had won a couple of million earlier this year, I could have bought Cubs tickets without feeling like I am spending all my money.
     Lotteries don't seem to be on my miracle list.
     Well, how about a cure for MS?  Yes, that would be a miracle......and while it will probably be too late for Jackie, a cure would be wonderful for younger people afflicted with this disease.
     And not to be a downer, but it is a pretty crappy illness.  A miracle would be really nice.
     In the old days, a miracle might have been a Cub win.  Now we reserve those acts for the hapless Bears.
     It won't be a miracle when the Cubs win the Series.  It will be cause of good pitching, great hitting, amazing fielding and the souls of Ronnie, Ernie, Harry and all those thousands of Cubs fans now watching from above.
     Steve G. will personally lead them in a chorus of Go Cubs Go, a great song, but if you have a chance, listen to his Dying Cub Fan's Last Request.
     One final question....anyone know the name of a local miracle worker?
     Didn't think so.
     Good night, moon.  Star light, star bright; first star I see tonight.  I wish......

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