Thursday, October 27, 2016

now, for something different

I have a hearing problem

     No doubt about it.  I don't hear well, sometimes.  Other times I hear just fine.  It depends on the pitch, the background, the speed of the speaker.
     Yesterday I was reading the Trib on line and I had a hum going through my head.  A persistent hum.
     I looked outside, didn't see anything but massive amounts of rain.
     I thought maybe a train was sitting on the tracks and that was what I was hearing.
     Last night, following the terrific Cubs victory over the Cleveland team, I went to the computer and heard the hum again.
     I went outside again, but nothing.  (Well, coyotes yipping again...I tell you John M., they are rooting for the Cubs!!  It is not a stretch!!)
     I went into the house and down into the basement.
     Nothing in the furnace room.
     But in the room directly under the den, there it was.  A persistent hum.
     I walked over to the only item in the room that could hum (the others know the words....da da boom!) which was the water pipe leading from the well to the water service.
     Sure enough.  Humming and vibrating.
     I spent a sleepless night, tossing and turning, worrying about the damn hum.
     I called a plumber and by the time they came out at 4, it was late.  The news was not good.
    The pump is bad and has to be replaced.  But they could not do it Friday.
    So they told me to call the well driller, which I did.  They will be out sometime tomorrow.
     Now, the pump is off.  We turn it on when we need water.
     How fun is that?
     (Uncle Jim had a sign in the cottage in Michigan:  If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If it's brown, flush it down.)
     No laundry.  No dish washer.  No washing dishes.
     I have a zoo day tomorrow, so I will turn the water on, take a shower, get Jackie up and in the shower and leave the well on because she can't run up and down the stairs to turn it on.
     Hopefully, life will be back to normal tomorrow.
     For now, the hum is gone.

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