Wednesday, October 5, 2016

that was short

We are safely back

     We drove about 2,400 miles round trip, and about 1,050 from Cooperstown starting Tuesday morning.
     The car is unpacked but a mess.  The house was nice and clean, thanks Sheri! But the slobs have returned and now there is a mess in the kitchen, nook, and dining room.  It will all be straightened tomorrow.
     Just a few things to say.
     The Indiana toll road is not as good as Illinois' in terms of pavement and signage....a lot of their signs are worn and hard to read.  And thanks for the info on how to go find the detour to go west on 80......I blinked and missed it, so we ended up driving through Chicago to get home.
     And several of the rest areas are closed.  That is a bummer.
     Ohio has great rest areas.  So does New York.  They are staggered about 40 miles apart, which makes it nice.
     Hardly anyone does the speed limit.
     Hardee's still exist.
     Westlake, Ohio, is an amazing town, especially the shopping/entertaining/dining district where the Hyatt is.  I have never paid to park at a shopping center, however.  Fifteen minutes cost 25 cents.
     We got 27.8 MPG on the van and about 60 miles on my bladder.
     The GPS based guidance systems are always right.  Follow them, wherever they tell you to go.  You won't be sorry.
     Tim Horton has great doughnuts.  (For Kim, if she reads this.)   Coffee wasn't that good, however.
     Waffle makers at the hotel breakfast bars are a wonderful creation.
     Driving makes me tired.
     Good night.

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