Friday, October 21, 2016

on the eve

I can't stand the mess....
     No, I am not talking about the presidential election.  But honestly, I can't stand it any more.  The accusations, the false hoods, the dishonesty, and the hypocrisy.....can't we just pick two new people and vote on them?
     No, I am not talking about the Bear's defense, offense, or special teams, because that is more than a mess.  That is a disaster!  I was reading a sports magazine preview of the season and they predicted the Bears would finish 6-10.    Based on what I've seen, that would be a miracle!  How far that team has fallen since they fired Lovey.
     I'm not talking about the Bears.
     I'm not talking about the Internet and all the problems today.  I don't understand it all, but it seems someone did something nasty and a lot of stuff went plop, plop, fizz, fizz.
     I am talking about every flat surface in the house.  Not only can't I deal with paper, someone else seems to have abandoned the concept of tossing crap we don't need.
     Maybe we'll deal with it tomorrow.....or maybe not.
     Time will tell.
     Hopefully, I will be fully rested for the challenge.
     Go Cubs!!

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