Friday, October 7, 2016

odds and ends

I have a lot on my mind tonight

     Great Cubs game!  Baez and Lester were supermen tonight!  Now, just 10 more and we could break the curse.  I keep saying I will be happy when their last game is a win.
     Did a lousy job mowing today.  Grass was long, I left clumps all over.  I didn't trim.  Looks terrible.  Plus, we had some work done on the ditch, evening it out and filling in the low spots.  But it is so wet, I am afraid the mower will get stuck..... again.  So the grass there is a little long.
     Climbed down into my egress windows to find a model number but did not.    For three years I have been wanting to put covers on them so the snow does not come into the wells.  Just not sure what to buy.  I wrote the company, and hopefully I can get the right cover.
     A few pictures that I just want to share.  Don't know why, guess I am just weird.

     Shelburne Farms has several huge barns.  This historic barn burned in early September.  The fire was started by lightning and was difficult to fight because of the location and lack of water.

     I think these are turkeys.  I did not know young turkeys are white!  Thanks to WKRP, I know they can't fly!

Colors in Vermont

Colors in New York

     I have no idea what scarified pavement is, but I was on the alert.  I think it is pavement that has deeply cut lines throughout.

     Learned something new at the baseball HOF.  Cubs put a kalsomine on the Giants tonight!

     Ok, this was one of several similar clocks on sale at a rest area in Ohio.  Now, imagine yourself driving down the road, stopping for a pee break or for some coffee and deciding to buy a clock.  There were also some really garish ceramic figurines.  Who would buy them?
     By the way, I have a couple I can show you.
     I can go to bed happy tonight......1-0 Cubs, 1-0 in the series, 1-0 in the playoffs.....good night!

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