Monday, October 17, 2016

look up

I was amazed by the moon tonight

     I think last night was the full moon, but tonight's was pretty impressive when it rose.  Thin clouds worked their way across it, giving it a striped look.
     I thought this was a harvest moon, but it is not.  That was the prior full moon.    This is hunter's moon, or blood moon.  The reason is that once crops are out of the field and leaves are off the tree, it is easier to see game and to kill it to feed the family.
     Speaking of feeding the family, I had quite a perplexing experience in the middle of the pasta aisle at the grocery store.
     Sometimes I get a little curious about where food comes from.  (I know:  farmers.  Not what I mean.)
     My shirts are labeled, my car is labeled, my tv, mower, tools.....but stuff we put in our mouths and bodies does not have a label telling us where it comes from.  (Or for your English majors, from where it comes.  Or maybe not.  I get confused.)
     So sometimes I look.
     I was buying egg noodles because I had a bee in my bonnet about having sliced beef over wide noodles.  (The beef was a left over from the wedding.)
The first package said, "Distributed by New World Pasta."  So I picked up a second bag, with a different name brand.  It had on the back, "Distributed by New World Pasta."  Picked up a third bag.  "Distributed by New World Pasta."
I picked up the store brand and it said produced in the USA.  So I bought that one.
     I looked at the New World Pasta website and discovered they distribute a lot of pasta under different labels.  And all those labels have a different price.
     It's a conspiracy!!  Another example of those leftist elitists brainwashing us!
     (Oops...sorry, thinking of the upcoming debates.  I fully intend skip them entirely because I am sooooo tired of this whole disgusting circus.)
     Anyway, I know distributed does not mean made in, which concerns me.
Our bodies are special.  (I treat my body like a temple, you treat yours like a tent..." a line from a song that always makes me laugh.)
     We should know where the food comes from before we put it into our bodies.
     Geez, I need a life.

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