Sunday, January 31, 2016

what a doll

I once killed a Mrs. Beasley doll

     I sure didn't mean to.
     In case you don't remember, the dolls were little blondish ladies waring glasses.  They had a  pull string in the back.  When you pulled the string it said things like, "I love you,"  or "Will you play with me?" and other stuff like that.
     I don't remember the year.... but everything else is pretty clear.
     Little Cindy was in the back seat.  Joanie was driving.  I was in the front seat.  I was getting a ride out to a girl friend's house.
     Being the socially awkward person I am, I did not have a car in high school or my first year in college.   All my dates were on a bus, on foot, or with a friend.  I didn't have many friends with cars, either.
     Add in the acne and you can get a picture of my dating life.
     Cindy had a Mrs. Beasley doll.  They first came out in 1967, so this was probably 68 or so.  Before Jackie.
     Mrs. Beasley stopped talking.  The string did not pull out.
     I took the doll and was fiddling with it, thinking the string was jammed and only had to be loosened.
     It was a hot day.  The car windows were down.  We were somewhere near Caldwell Woods on the north west side of Chicago.
     I had a small screwdriver for some reason and opened the back of Mrs. Beasley.  I saw the problem.  A spring appeared to be out of alignment.
     I touched it.
     Mrs. Beasley's insides exploded like an elephant with diarrhea.
     Springs, and wires started shooting everywhere.  Joan had to duck as a piece flew past her head an out the window.
     Parts bounded off the windshield and onto the floor.
     I swear I saw an airplane propellor and a dwarf, but that might be my imagination.
     It was over in seconds.  Then the screaming started.
     Joan, startled by the distraction,  almost lost control of the car.
     Cindy yowled for Mrs. Beasley.
     Mrs. Beasley said nothing, although her face was in permanent shock mode.
     I found as many pieces as I could, but it was obvious the doll would never talk again.
     I closed the patient up and gave it back to Cindy, who kept pulling on the string to no avail.
     I kind of feel I owe Cindy a Mrs. Beasley doll.
     But they go for about $250 at E-Bay, so that probably will not happen.
     Maybe someday I'll find one at an auction or garage sale ..... but I will have to check to see if it really works.
      I don't want to try to fix another one.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

why not?

I am feeling a little odd  tonight

     I am tired, but not sleepy.
     I finished my fourth Guido Brunetti mystery and while reading it, one of the main characters is decrying Italy's political corruption and the constant stream of politicians being exposed for taking bribes and I thought of Illinois.
     I read about the guy with the red light cameras taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, which were probably funneled upwards to someone else.
     Funny thing.  One of the consultants in the Trib story had the same name of a friend of mine!  I should have asked john if the Billy, or William, was our buddy from across his alley.  Same last name, consultant to the city.  Have to remember that next time I talk to John.
     But another statement the character in the book  made was that she was thankful Italian politicians could not advertise on tv or radio.
Image that!
     That would be great!  Takes most of the money out of politics.  Puts everyone on an even footing.  Forces candidates to actually spend time campaigning and outlining their positions instead of just throwing bull at the crowd.
     Plus, we would not be flooded by the batch of negative ads that are sure to come out.  All the candidates that want to make America great again should start with their advertisements.  Instead of attacking opponents, give us your stands on issues important to us.
     But those idiots won't do that, because that is too hard.
     And tv and radio stations would hate it, because they would lose millions of dollars.
     Now the former mayor of New York is considering an independent candidacy.  Time magazine lists his net worth at 35 billion dollars!  Makes him one of us, that's for sure.
He could buy Illinois.  And I wish he would.
     I did sign up for the June MS bike ride.  If you want to pledge, or better yet join the team, go to and look for the jackies jokers team.
     Think I'll try a little good night, y'all.

Friday, January 29, 2016

2 down

I saw the surgeon today

     He said my belly was looking good (Take that, Beth and Carrie!), but I had to wait six weeks before resuming normal activity of lifting and such.
     Not lifting stuff is a pain.
     I can carry a gallon of milk, but that is my limit.
     So my day is an endless math problem.  Does this weigh more or less than a gallon of milk.
     How much is Jackie's leg?
     How much are the samples?
     Is the garbage can I drag out more than a gallon if I am dragging and not lifting?
     John took out my recycling.  Funny thing.  I have tried to throw away an old, beat up tub, marked with a 6 in the eco circle, for months.  The recycling guys won't take it.  The garbage guys won't take it.  So yesterday I had a perfectly good tub of newspapers John loaded on the cart for me.  That tub they took.
     I should have put it in the old, crappy tub....but I was not thinking.
There are several projects to be done around the homestead in April and May.
     Rework the ditch, which has huge ruts that damn near bounce me off the tractor when I mow, for one.
     Staining the interior door in front.  It has been three colors since we built.  I think it looks unfinished.
     Plantings in the back yard and a little mulch to make it more attractive for any guests that might drop in in June.
     Getting the garden planted.  I got Burpee seeds in the mail today.  Sugar snap peas, Italian beans, green beans, cucumber, carrots.  We will but tomato plants and green pepper plants.  This year we will be hear all growing season, so I anticipate a great crop of almost organic vegetable.  I say almost, because I do spray Miracle Grow on them once in a while.
     And the garage.
     Some of it goes to Emily's, some goes to a garage sale, some to Kane County, some to the trash.  I just don't know what goes where.  Yet.
     And yes, some of the projects will be hired out.  At least the ditch will be.
     Hopefully I can shake off the laziness that has developed in me and get the stuff done.
     So stay close to your phone Nadine, I may need your advice staining the door.  And anyone with a green thumb and a strong back is welcome to stop in sometime in mid May for a day of planting and mulching.
     It'll be fun!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

no thanks

I read recently that people could live to be over 120

     I don't think I would want that....and I don't think society would either.
     Yes, we all enjoy life.  But 100 is old.  People start to run out of money.   And family.  And friends.
     New medications could prevent two of those things from happening, but money will always be an issue.
     Stories like that always make me thing of the past and the future.
     When I was a kid, The Jetsons were on tv.  I pictured a world of domed cities, monorails, flying cars, meals cooked in seconds.
     Some of that came true.  There are monorails and meals cooked in seconds, and Dick Tracy's wrist watch was a forerunner of the Apple watch.
     But a larger, older population causes all sorts of issues:
     An increasing number of left turn signals left on by motorists.
     A shortage of white gym shoes.
     A growing Depends industry.
     Delicious soft foods in easy open packages.
     More calls for tech help from older parents who just don't get the new fangled technology they have in their households.  (By the way, Em or do I program my phone for the car.  I run trough 5 minutes of directions and get a message that says consult your phone's owner's manual.  Do I have an owner/s manual?  Was I supposed to read it ?  Keep it??  And how do I download an app?)
     I do marvel at the changes today's seniors have seen in their lives.
     Being100 is common, which means those people lived through some of our nation's most difficult times.  A depression, a great war, the civil rights struggle, interstate highways, computers, cell phones, television, going to the moon, space travel.  The magnitude of change  they have seen we probably, and in the case of a world war, hopefully will never experience.
     But living to 100, or 120, or longer?
     Not for me.
     I'm just shooting for 68.....I'll go from there.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

a delicate topic

Just call me Jupiter!

     I have a follow up for the doc on Friday.  And I think it is just in time.
     Over the past three days, let's just say I have become like the planet Jupiter.
    Yes, the planet.
    Now Mercury may be hot, but I am not hot like that.
    Pluto may no longer be a planet because it is small and cold, plus a little stand offish.  Pluto could have been my high school prom date.  No, on second thought; Pluto is interesting.
     I could be like Earth....perfect in so many ways.
     But no, I have become Jupiter, the gas giant of the solar system.
     I assume my latest resemblance to a natural gas field is a result of my surgery.  My stomach is a little tighter, and perhaps that is the reason.
     I don't think it is the food, although I have been drinking beer this week.  I know beer does not last forever, so I am finishing up the stock I bought for the World Series.  Call me crazy and a risk taker.
     Luckily, I don't know beer, so if I drink a skunky one, I won't know!   When did they stop selling Summer Shandy??
     Maybe it's the coffee.  Or tea.
     Anyway, when you see me, please keep your distance.  I don't want germs from any cold or flu viruses that going around.
     Let's just use that as an excuse.
     If this doesn't change, I might have Hindenburg tattooed on my side.
     And it may not be a wise idea to have an open flame around me.  You know, just in case.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I am speechless tonight

Wordless, really.  Can't think of anything to say.....
Wondering if I have been doing too much.
Wondering why Corki sheds so much.
Wondering about doing my front door interior.
Wondering if it will snow.
Wondering how I can do all the things I want to do.
Wondering where the time goes.
Wondering if July Collins really knows.
Wondering if I will get to sleep.
Wondering what it feels like to be in an earthquake.
Wondering how to get thin.
Wondering how my friends are, mentally and physically.
Wondering who will change my life next.
Until I find answers, will continue to wonder.
Good night.

Monday, January 25, 2016

that was unnecessary

I need a new bathroom mirror

     And it's all my fault.
     I was in the bathroom this morning, pondering the one little strip of tape left on my belly.
     I had soaked it the previous night and there was only about an inch of tape left.
     So I stood in a hot shower today, letting the water hit me on the chest and belly.  I must have been there 45 minutes.  My skin was prune like.
     Following Renee's advice to tug gently, ignoring Kathy's advice to just leave it, using the baby oil suggested by Trish ,... but that is a different subject; and watching for aliens as Doug suggested, I opted  to not follow Carrie's advice to leave it alone.
     I pulled it off gently.  (Renee won.  I have the tape for you as a prize.)
     All hell broke loose.
     A hissing sound followed and suddenly I was propelled around the room, bouncing off walls, hitting the floor, the ceiling.  I was flying like Superman and screaming like Supergirl!  I knocked  the air freshener to the floor and finally bouncing of the mirror,  shattering it,  before I slid to the floor.
     It was jet action!  Just like letting a balloon go!
     I am sore and battered.  Luckily, I had so much baby oil on, I mostly slid off the walls.  But the mirror took a direct hit.
     I know it's seven years bad luck, but that may be an improvement.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

so much to ponder

I have quite a bit on my mind

     I had a great weekend.  Spent time with some former co-workers and friends Friday night, sipping wine and eating pizza.  At least I sipped wine.  Time flew as we talked about former students and changes in education over the past 10 years or so.  It was a mellow time.
     Saturday we went out to eat and then played cards.  And no, we didn't play in the restaurant...that would have been silly!  I actually had some good euchre hands, but the fun is visiting  and laughing and talking and sipping wine.  OK, I was the one sipping wine.
     But I do have an "issue" I am dealing with.
     Two weeks ago I had my hernia repair.  The good doc put some butterfly bandages on and said take them off in a week or so.
     It has been two weeks.  I still have one strip on.
     Every time i go to pull it off, my knees get week and my head spins.  And that has nothing to do with the wine!
     It's only about 2 inches, and half of it is already loose.  Jackie said pull it off.  Emily said pull it off.  Doc said pull it off.
     And yet, I wait.  For what??
     I stood in the shower this morning, hoping that would loosen it up a little, but no go.
     Why am I afraid?
     What if the hole is still open and my guts squirt out all over the floor????  Wine isn't easy to clean up. you know.
     What if it bleeds??
     What if it catches on the incision and rips my gut open, spilling my intestines all over the bathroom??
     So I sit and ponder my situation.
     I may try soaking it.
     Or I may just ignore it and hope it goes away.
     Jeez, I hate stuff like this!
     And now I have noticed a shadow on my tv picture.  It looks like a cloud.  It doesn't bother Jackie, but it bugs the hell out of me!  Sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not.  It looks a little like a tornado.  The picture is not obscured, or distorted, but a shadow just hovers over one section of the tv.
     And yes, she does see it so it is not only me.
     I guess that's enough pondering for a while.
     Good night.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

I didn't know that

I learned something new today

     Last fall PBS ran a Ken Burns series on The Roosevelts.  The 7 part series focused on Teddy, Eleanor, And Franklin.
     I knew FDR had polio.  I did not know that in high school, or I don't think I did.  Nobody seemed to mention it in passing.
     Watching the series today I was amazed that he contracted this childhood disease when he was 39!   I just assumed he was a child; never knew he was an adult.
      He was up north at Campobello when he became sick:  high temperature, chills, numbness in one leg, then another.  But the doctors there did not seem to be able to diagnose the disease.
     He had been a vice presidential candidate, campaigning across the country for Al Smith.   FDR was active, and the disease hit him and all those around him hard.
     He never recovered the use of his legs.  He learned to "walk" by swinging one leg in front, then swinging the other, all the time holding on to his crutches and having someone close buy just in case he slipped.
     Newsreels showed him swimming in Warm Springs, Georgia, trying to strengthen his withered lower limbs, but to no avail.
     One newsreel clip had him getting out of a car.  He turned to the cameramen and said, "No pictures boys."  And the press obliged.
     Can you imagine that today?  The press would be all over that, taking pictures of everything he attempted to do, but couldn't.
     He also had a mistress or two along the way.  The press never mentioned that in his campaigns either.
     And Eleanor built a summer cottage for her and her two friends, women suffragettes who were most likely involved romantically.
     Could the religious right have a field day with that family!
     Anyway, the series featured early films of Teddy speaking and lots of pictures.
     One picture caused me to stop, go back, and look again.
     He was speaking from the back of a train and in the background, there was a hotel with kids sitting on the roof over the first floor porch.
     Teddy did campaign in Rochelle, giving a speech off the back end of a railroad car.  I wondered if the hotel I saw in the background was what is now the DeLos Hotel.  Jackie said she didn't think so, and I am not very sure either.
     But it would be neat if it was.
     I once read that FDR was never pictured in the media while on crutches.  He was always sitting down, behind a podium, in a car, but never shown in an image that portrayed any kind of physical weakness.
     After all, he was the president and could not appear weak to other world leaders.
     Sometimes I miss those good old days.

Friday, January 22, 2016

buffalo springfield

I have a song in my  head

There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clearThere's a man with a gun over thereTelling me I got to beware

Paranoia strikes deepInto your life it will creepIt starts when you're always afraidYou step out of line, the man come and take you away

     To me, ti's kind of talking about our times.  

     We have people believing in conspiracy theories about our government taking away the guns; declaring a state of emergency and locking everyone up; spraying chemicals in the air.
     When I was a kid, fluoride in water was a plot by the Communists.  It wasn't.  Senator Joe said there were Commies all over the place.  There weren't. 
     Yet today those same kind of wild nonsensical stories get spread by well meaning people.  Some of them politicians.  
     Why do people not believe the planet is warming when there is scientific evidence, yet believe the government is momentarily going to imprison us all?
     I don't get it.
     We have politicians saying they want to make America great again and I ask myself, when did we stop being great?  We draw immigrants from all over the world, some legally, some illegally.  They risk death to get here.  Would they be willing to risk all that to get to a country that was just ok?
     And the students that attend universities here.  They don't come for the climate.  They come for the first class education they can get here, with more opportunities than any other country.  They don't come here because we are ok.
     When you question those beliefs, you can be met with threats, intimidation, name calling and most galling, the statement "maybe not now, but they could."

I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

     What's going down is reason.  

     And on that, I'm going to bed.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

that's really weird

I am a little concerned about junk mail

  And not just on the Internet.
   I get my share of e-mails from legitimate businesses, like LL Bean, Zappos, Eddie Bauer.
   But it is the other ones I don't ever open.
   Slut Hookup, for one.  I don't want to know why I get an occasional e mail from them.  I can understand the Canadian Pharmacy ones, but Lonely 60s Singles does make me wonder how lonely people really must be to use that site.  And are there really 30 sexy women who want to meet me?
   I get lots of junk mail courtesy of the post office also.
   A common one comes addressed to me in very nice handwriting, with a local return address.  I open it and: voila!!  An ad for hearing aids!  Those seem to be coming more frequently.
     I have tried to cut down on the number of catalogs by registering my choices at Catalog Choice, but Eddie Bauer and Plow and Hearth seem to have one every week.
   I do have a rather blistering e mail to send to Plow and Hearth.  I hesitate, because it might be a little too critical.  I need to soften the edges.  It concerns my new patio set, which does not seem to be built very well.
   And now I get something almost every other day from Roads Scholar, the group I am using for the Cuba trip in March with Dan.  I get catalogs, new courses, domestic trips, trips abroad.....and I do believe the young person said I can get a $1,000 credit if I recommend someone and they book a trip.
   So I have recommend all my friends.  Prepare for the mailing onslaught.
   Just kidding.  I told her I didn't have any friends.  When she pressed me, I told her the only friend I had was going on the same trip I was.
   Obviously I have friends, I just don't want to give their names to some company that will flood them with unwanted mail.
   On the other hand, they do have some pretty good trips.....if you want to take one, contact me and I'll  send them your name and get a credit.
   At least I think it was them.  Could have been the BMW dealership.  Oh wait, we don't have BMW.
   Never mind.
   Good night.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 last

I finally got outside today

     I know that does not sound like a big deal.
     But since the hernia repair, I have been laying low.  I have been a little nervous about driving.  But today, I ventured forth into the world.
     And what a wonderful world it is!  The temperatures were mild, birds singing, grass was green and the flowers were amazing.  Wait....that was a tv show.
    At least it was above 0, which seems warm to me.  The house isn't as cold either.  Or it could be the three layers I find myself constantly wearing.
     I went to the bank, post office, dropped off a package at the UPS drop box at Petro.  Last time I took a Zappo's box there, I shoved it into the drop slot.  It got stuck.  No matter how hard I pushed, or pulled, it would not budge.
     Finally a little bit of a lady came over to help and she jammed it down into the box, making me feel like a weakling.  Well today, I went back and kicked sand in her face, because I took the Charles Atlas body building course.
     Actually, the Zappo's box would not fit, so I gave it to the person at the counter and she put it with the other UPS boxes.
     I was returning a pair of shoes I bought.  They were too big.  I ordered a 9 and one half, but they were huge.  I wear some shoes that are 9s some 10s, and figured the middle was best.  I had about three inches from my toe to the end of the shoe.  Go figure.
     By the time I was done with errands, I felt a little tired and a little sore.  Getting in and out of the car was a little more taxing than I thought.
     But it did feel good.
     So tonight, I rest, perchance to dream.
     Forsooth, what light in yonder window doth break?
    'Tis the moon, beautiful in the dark sky.
     If it was full I'd go howl.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I can't stand paper!!

     I don't know what to do with stuff.
     Example:  Every month I get a report on my prescription drug costs from Medicare.  Do I need to save these?  I have like 4  years worth!!  Not only that, but now Jackie gets them!
And insurance claims.  We get printouts of what our doctor visit was, the cost, how much we have to pay, how much they pay, what the discount is..... how long do I need to save those?
     We have some investments where we get monthly reports on some and quarterly reports on others.  And end of the year statements.  What do I save??  And for how long??
     But when someone asks for the important piece of paper we got from insurance announcing a change in our specialty pharmacy, I didn't put it in the insurance folder, the pile of important stuff on my desk, or the pile of stuff to file when I get around to it.  After 45 minutes of hunting, it turned up on the dining room table.  I didn't look there because I knew I put it on a pile!
     And notes.
     I make notes on blog topics, column topics, movies I'd like to see, books I want to read.  But the notes can be on anything.. scrap paper, used printer paper,  Post-It notes.   I have a note on a note!  I have another note I have read three times and still don't know what it means and I'll be damned if I am going to throw it out.
     I have always been challenged by paper.
     People keep talking about a paperless society, but I will have the same problem with on line stuff.
     For example, we got a pre-tax form from our accountant.  It is 36 pages long.  He e mailed it to us, and I think I am supposed to print the pages that might be pertinent to my tax situation.  But it's 36 pages!!
     Holy crap!
     I am a disorganized person.
     I read how to articles on organizing and I just can't do it.  It's against my DNADD.
     My fear is when I die, people will come in the clean out the house and see all this crud and ask the important question:  What the hell??
    The good part, I won't have to answer.

Monday, January 18, 2016

it sounded good

I decided to read some books

     I figure I have tine to read, now that I can't do a lot of stuff. So I decided to read the Donna Leon books that deal with a Venice, Italy, detective named Guido Brunetti.
     I have read several of these, and I love then.  Brunetti is a life long Venice resident and solves crime in a thoughtful way.
     There is no obvious violence, no swearing, no sex, and very little blood.  Pretty G rated as far as detective novels are concerned.
     But they don't give me nightmares.  And they keep me in suspense.
     So I decided to read all of the books, in order that they were written.  I could see how characters changed, when favorite characters came in, how other characters advanced and moved on.
     I didn't realize she had done 23 books!
     Another reason why I like them is they are in Venice.  Jackie and I went there several years ago, but I had not yet discovered the books.
     The first one I read featured a body found in a canal.  As I read it, I realized this canal was just around the corner from where we stayed!  I had a picture in my mind of what people saw.  It was pretty neat.
     Venice is a character in the book.  Leon talks about the problems pollution causes on the buildings, on the water, on the people.  She talks about the problems tourists cause and that Venice is becoming a city for tourists and its residents are being forced out because building owners can make more money off tourists than shop clerks and pensioners.
     I found a map on line that pinpoints locations mentioned in the books.  Problem is, it's in German and there is no English translation.
     Another website posts pictures people have taken of the places mentioned in the book.
     Evidently there are a lot of Guido Brunetti fans in  the world.
     Leon is actually an American, but has lived abroad for a long time, teaching in various countries before settling in Venice.
     Someday I will go back to Venice, and I'll sit in a bar and have a coffee and pay attention to the people as they pass by.  Maybe I'll see her and say hello.
     Until then, I better get going.
     I am just starting book 2.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

another move?

I decided today I want a new house

     I know what you are thinking.... the one we have is only 3 years old.
     But there are some features I want.
     I want radiant heating in the floors and walls and possibly ceilings.  I am freezing today!  I can't get warm enough, even with the fireplace going and a blanket over me.
     I want 2 x 8 construction so we can fill the walls with insulation.  That will keep the cold out and the heat in.
    I want quadruple pane windows with technology that automatically seals them when the temp drops below 32 yet allows you to see out and have the sun come in.
     I want a heated front porch.  Yes, I know.  But with the threat of coyotes I go out at night with Corki and tonight my legs were actually frozen to my pants!  Seriously!  The poor dog peed and it froze in mid air!  I have dog pee sculptures in my front yard!!
     Don't believe me?  Come over.  But bring wine.  And hurry before they melt.  Or thaw.  Or get blown down by the 60 mile an hour gusts.
     Kind of sounds like the weather forecast from Tuna.  It's gonna be cold folks.  It's gonna start out cold and then it's just gonna get colder.  By morning it will be so cold, your cows will be givin' out ice cream.
     Two years ago I got my snowshoes repaired.  The straps broke.  In the time since I paid $50 to get them fixed, we have had 0 snowfalls where I could snowshoe.  Zero.  Nil.  Zilch.  Nada.  Nothing.
     I expect it to start snowing Wednesday and continue for a week.  We will have 24 inches of great snow for snowshoeing and cross country skiing.  Why?  Because I can't do that stuff for six more weeks!  No strenuous exercise, like snow shoveling, snow blowing, heavy lifting, picking up my wife, eating more than 3 pounds of potato chips at one sitting.
     (Side note:  I was checking e mail today.  When I got out of the den, someone asked if I had heard a noise, one that a body hitting the floor would make.  Luckily I did not and she got up on her own.  No blood, no foul.)
    But Jackie said we can't have a new house.  So I did the next best thing.
     I turned up the heat.
     Now it's warm enough to go to bed.
     So goodnight, and thanks for reading.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

it's ugly

I have seen the future, and I don't like it

    It's a little surgery, but a big deal.
     I can't do stuff I normally do.  No lifting.  No driving for a few days.  No stretching to get stuff.
     It's almost as if we are in our 80s....and it's ugly!
     If something falls on the floor, we can't pick it up.  If Jackie bends over, she has a tendency to fall.  If I bend over, I may split open.
     Our little grabber pole has been busy.  And Corki has found a few extra snacks on the ground, along with napkins, tissue, and paper.
     Emily is coming over tomorrow and I'll ask her to take out the garbage,because it weighs more than a jug of milk.  Jackie said she would take it.  Picture this.  She puts it on the walker, throws it out the door, goes down the step, bends over to pick it get the idea there could be a problem.
     I don't want to get old.
     Yes, I know it beats the alternative, but I like tying my shoe laces.  I don't like spots on my shirt.        I don't want to smell worst than the trash Emily is taking out.
     I don't want to be the feeble old guy shuffling along in the store.
     Yes, I know not all people age that way.  I know many people who are active and healthy well into their 80s.
     But how can I be sure I will be that way?
     I may have to lobby for some live in help.
     Speaking of that....anybody know a good house cleaner?

Friday, January 15, 2016

mind over matter

I hurt tonight

    I went all day without too much pain....then about 7 my belly started to hurt.  So I took a pain pill, which means I can't take one until about midnight.  Hopefully, I will be asleep by then.
    I have another pain:  Corki.
    She follows me everywhere.  I sit down at the computer, she lays on the floor.  I go to get tea, she is right behind me.  I go back to my chair, she is right behind me.
    I don't know if dogs have some extra sense.  She almost appeared to be upset, like we were mad at her.  She didn't eat her breakfast.  For a dog that is food dependent, that was a surprise.
    We have a morning routine where we make the bed and Corki then jumps up on it and we pet her.
    We didn't do that this morning.
    She went out three times, but would not eat.
    At about 11 Jackie suggested we get her up on the bed and pet her, like we usually do.
    We did, and after about 5 minutes of rubbing and petting, she got off the bed and went to eat.
    I went downstairs for a pizza  (thank you John and Kathy) and the dog was right behind me.  Back up the stairs, she's right next to me.
    She doesn't follow Jackie as much, unless Jackie is in the kitchen.  Corki thinks anyone in the kitchen is a potential food donor, usually accidentally.
     Otherwise, I seem to be her main focus....which wasn't supposed to happen because she is Jackie's dog.
    Oh well.
    I took a pain pill yesterday and have to admit, it did quite a bit for my dreams.  They were even more bizarre than normal.
    I am guessing more of the same is in order for tonight.  Maybe I should have my dream notebook handy.
    Peace and love to all the world.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


The molehill was a molehill

     I dreaded the surgery to fix my ventral hernia....I think that was what it was called.
     It wasn't so bad.
     I am sitting here with a lightly sore stomach, but no huge incision.  The good doctor inserted some mesh to help the situation, but he said six weeks of limited lifting and I will be good to go.
     I have been icing it.... 20 minutes an hour.  I have taken one pain pill.  I may take another, but I am  really drowsy.
     I am sleeping in my chair tonight just so I don't roll over or get poked by wifey.  I don't want any complications.
     A big thank you to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, $100 bills..... just kidding.
     But seriously, a big thank you to everyone who cared, and cares. about this weird old guy.
     With that, good night.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Why am I still up?

     I am tired.
     I have to get up early.
     I am scared.
     That's the reason.
     I don't like going to hospitals and having operations.  I know, no one does.
     I am a weak person.  I faint at the sight of blood.  I can't even look at a cut on my hand without getting woozy!
     Tomorrow I am going to have a million stitches up the side of my' will look like a rail road track gone crazy.
     I won't be able to look at it.  Or change the dressing.  Or sleep on it.  Or sneeze. Or take a shower.  Or take off my shirt.
     I am being a big baby, you are right.  It's time to strap it on, pull up those big boy pants, and get tough.
     Or maybe take a valium and hope it puts me to sleep quickly so I don't have to think about anything.
     Oh well.......
    Night.  Just night, cause there isn't anything good right now.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

how's that?

I admit, I get easily confused

     And apparently, amused.
     I attended the city council meeting Monday night when the Branding Leadership Team made its plea for city funding.
     This is serious tuff.  It's a great plan.  I want to see it implemented.  And the city did approve spending some money to make it happen.
     But the Branding Leadership Team kept being referred to as the BLT.
     Every time they said BLT I got hungry and giggled.
     Yes, I know it is not funny.  But I giggled.
     I haven't had a BLT in ages, now I can't stop thinking of one.
     Modern communication sometimes bothers me.  I had no idea what IMHO meant.  I at first thought people were saying, "I'm a ho."  But they weren't, much to my embarrassment.
     And LOL...... I saw that at the end of some jokes and figured it was laughing out loud.  But there was a posting of messages gone bad when the older person thought LOL meant lots of love.
     When their friend messaged them that her husband had died, the older person replied, "Sorry to hear that.  LOL!"
     And I know now that LMAO means it's really funny.  Not in a literal way, either.  There are variations of that that are a little cruder than I like.
     At times I do have to ask.
     But you have to be careful when asking.. Mothers I'd Like to Friend is not what MILF stands for.... and if you ask a young woman if she is a MIL, prepare to be yelled at.  Or slapped.  WTH?      Just saying.
     BTW, the same goes for spelling in text messages.  I get dropping letters, like in xtra.  but sometimes I wish I had a Captain Midnight decoder ring to figure out the message.
     I am an older guy.  I am used to complete words.  Maybe not complete thoughts, but complete words.
     I dread what will happen to the nxt genrashun if the language keeps trending down.
     We will all be calling for whirled peas and not knowing it's wrong.

Monday, January 11, 2016

what next

I can't wait for the next stage

   And I don't mean the one to Texas.
    I just seem to forget a lot.  I don't have the big A....I just don't remember.
    Maybe because it is not big in my mind.
    Case in point.  Someone asked me to put the tea kettle on.  I got up, got some cheese, a little wine, and sat down.  A little while later she asked me if the kettle was hot yet.....and I had to answer no, because I did not put it on.
     Went to Walmart for a drug pick up, needed an onion.  Came home with two bags of stuff, but no onion.
     Yet I remember really stupid stuff.
     Today I learned from friend Dan that I had to have my passport sent to the tour company by Dec. 28.  I missed the deadline by three weeks.  Hopefully I am not too late, but I will call tomorrow to be sure.
     Shouldn't they send out reminders on stuff like that?  And shouldn't I read all the tour information at some point?  I expected my kids to do their homework, yet I seem to be ok with  slacking off.
     I have a bathroom to clean and I need to vacuum the basement before Thursday.  Because on Thursday, I won't be in any condition to do anything except cry and complain about the pain.  I fully expect the good drugs this time.....and I will take the correct ones.
     A few years ago I had some cysts and moles taken off my wonderful body. (not the mammal moles, but the brown fuzzy things on your body  that can become cancerous.) Plus part of an ear.  Not like VanGogh or anything, just a "let's do it for fun" thing.
    Anyway, the doctor gave me Norco for pain.  I had pain.  So I stumbled down the stairs and found the bottle that said Nor....and took one.
     Two hours later, I still had pain.  So I took a second.
     After my third one, I looked at the bottle and it was Norvasc.....which is my high blood pressure medication.  I had now taken 4 doses of the BP stuff, but none for pain.  Which explained why I hurt, but was light headed.
     As the good pharmacist told me, "Read the whole bottle."
     Funny, I had a couple of principals who said "Read the whole e-mail"
     I sense a pattern.
     I think I'll just go read part of a magazine.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

'scuse me while I barf

I admit I am cheap
     I use coupons.  I buy some items in bulk.  I don't throw stuff out unless it is unusable.  I sometimes eat food past the sell by date.
     But I have nothing over the nightmare I saw on tv today.
     I was channel surfing, looking for an NFL game, when I came across some lady going through garbage.  The bags were in front of a store, and she was carefully going through the contents looking for "salvageable food"
     She found several containers with food.  These looked like the prepackaged meals some delis and food stores sell.
    She took them home.  And ate them.
     Not only that, she had company coming and she dumped three or four of these into a pot and heated them before serving them to her guests!
     Holy cow, what is wrong with  people?
     Imagine the discussion.
     Gee, this meatloaf has an extra tang to it Martha, where did you get it?
     Oh, from a dumpster right behind Walmart....I do all my shopping there.
     (You can't hear the gagging noises I am making thinking about this.)
     Later, as I was bored by the game, I came across the same channel and some guy was talking about how to save money.
     He bragged he had never washed a dish or bought paper plates.  He gets all his paper plates and napkins as leftovers from parties.  Evidently he asks the host or hostess if they are going to use the extras, and if not he takes them.
     As someone who has a box of napkins and paper plates from various holidays, I can understand the logic.  The problem is, my wife refuses to allow me to bring out the mixed plates at parties or when the odd guest shows up.  I maintain people don't give a rat's patooty if they are eating off mis-matched plates and napkins, but I always get over ruled.
     But I digress.
     Back to the cheap guy.
     He saves his yogurt cups.  He washes them and then uses them for drinking glasses.  When guests come over he gives them an old yogurt cup and a marker and they put their name on it so they don't get confused.
     If these are frequent guests in the house, he washes the yogurt cups in the sink because it is cheaper than running the dishwasher.
      I hate to tell him, yogurt cups don't do well in the dishwasher.
     Like I said, I am cheap.
     But if you ever come over for dinner and I am scraping food out of take home containers and filling up yogurt cups with water, then for goodness sake get me to a psychiatrist immediately!
     You see, it runs in the family.
     You know those disposable plastic covered plates used at parties?
    When my dear aunts were alive, I actually saw them washing and drying those plates at my mother's house.  Jackie saw them too.... so it is not my imagination.
     After they left, we threw them out.  The plates, not the aunts.  Well, the aunts left but we threw out the plates.  Clear?
     Anyway, there is cheap and there is nutty crazy cheap...... now if you'll excuse me, I have to go wash out some yogurt cups.  I think company is coming Monday.

Friday, January 8, 2016

stupid cards

I get really confused with reward cards

     Jackie and I each have Walgreen Balance Rewards cards.  The accounts are linked, so either user can accumulate or spend points.
     I clipped an electronic coupon to my account today.
     Now for an old guy like me, reading that sentence makes no sense.  Usually I clip coupons from the paper, not the air.  And I put them in my pocket, not in an account in cyber space.
     Walgreen's had Progresso soup for $1.25 a can, and the coupon gave me .25 off four cans.  So I could save a dollar.
     I scanned my card and ..... no savings.
     So I contacted the live chat people at Walgreen's and discovered I clipped to coupon to my account, then I used Jackie's card, which means the coupon wasn't clipped to that account.
     It just seems very confusing.
     Other tech questions I don't get.
     What is the difference between Xfinity, Comcast, and Xfinity 1, or what ever it's called?
     Where the hell is the cloud.  Sometimes it seems to be hovering right over my head, bringing rain and gloom.
     Why are so many of my pictures out of focus?
     Why can't my numbers win the lotto?  They are good numbers.  (ok, the tech part comes in some way on this, just not sure.)
     A dog is seven years (or nine years?  Can't remember and it doesn't matter) for every human year.  So how old is a computer in human years?
      With all those ponderous thoughts bouncing around, think I'll just call it a night and go to bed.
I have a house to clean tomorrow.
     Oh.... I went to WalMart and bought a storage container.  I have the wrong lid.  I can't find the receipt.  The container looks used.  So did I
  A.    Already use the container and this is an odd container
  B.     Pick up the wrong lid
  C.     Put a wrong lid on the new container
  D.     Imagine the whole thing

     I'll find out tomorrow, when I attempt to take back a lid.  Or container.  Not sure.
     Peace and love to all.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

mission semi accomplished

I took our tree down today

     If it was me, I would keep it up year round.  But to be honest, there were spider webs on it!!  Yes, spider webs!!  I can't find the spiders, but there were webs.  So it was time to go.
     For years we have gotten a tree with long needles.  This was our first short needle tree.  We loved it.
     Great form.  Great smell.  Great look.
     We actually cut the top 8 feet of a 12 foot tree.  The bottom part was pretty bad, but the top part was great.
     It was still taking water last week.
     So the tree is down and out.  I loaded it into the van and dropped it off at the tree recycling place, where it will eventually become mulch.
     As soon as I put it in the van, a sweet smell of fresh pine filled the vehicle.  It was like a giant air freshener!
     The outside lights also came down  As did the Dickens Village.
     While the house is a mess, it is getting back to more of a normal non holiday look, which is not always so good.
     Anyway, a few pictures of our past two days.

The tree looks naked!!  And sad.

No, Jackie is not decorating a candle.
Our tree with all its mulch bound friends

At the airport

At the airport....notice, no tears but my eyes appear close!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

just the two of us

We put Julia on the plane to Switzerland tonight

     She calls it going home.  I call it going to Switzerland.  Home is here.
     When we let Corki out of her crate after coming back from the airport, she disappeared.
I found her on Julia's bed, looking sad.  I think she will miss all the scraps she was getting, plus the preferential treatment of sleeping on a pillow in a soft bed.
      Poor dog is going to go back to what we thought was normal.
     I am amazed at the amount of luggage some people bring to the plane.
     As Jackie and I were leaving, we passed a Toyota SUV that was packed to the gills with suitcases and bags!  The driver could not even see out the back window.  Right in front of it was a van, just like ours, and the back end was full of suitcases also.  I don't think they could have had 4 people in the car and they had at least 1,367 suitcases!  I know I don't travel light, but that was ridiculous.
     Sitting at the international terminal, you can actually see famous people going for their planes.  Of course, I do not recognize any of them, but I imagine there are famous people going to their planes at the airport.  Actors, artists, performers, athletes.....all of them travel by air and I am sure at least one passed us by.
     Anyway, right now she should be over the Atlantic, about 3 hours from Zurich.  She will pass over southern England and France and a bunch of islands I don't know names of, arriving in Zurich at 2 in the morning our time.  Then she catches a flight from Zurich to Geneva and gets in about 4 our time.
     By the time she gets home, it will be time for me to get up and start looking for that always welcome message:  Home safe, but tired.
     For me though, home is here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

and now, it's over

I started putting away Christmas today

     I generally like to wait until Jan. 6.  That is the 12th day of Christmas, or Epiphany in some religious circles.
     Today I put away the downstairs tree.  It's not particularly emotional for me to do that.  I generally wax sentimental over the ornaments former students game me years ago.  I looked at one from Ally and smiled at the thought of that sweet child.  There were names on some....Bryan, Angie, Jeff....but a lot don't have names.
     I stuffed the artificial tree into its box and started working upstairs, putting away my pyramid.  That is a German thing with three levels and a different scene on each level.  When you light the candles, the rising heat hits the blades on top and the pyramid turns.  I love watching it spin, but unfortunately I only lit the candles once this year.
     I discovered my train tree had outgrown it's box, so I need to get a new container for that.  Those are Lionel train ornaments Hallmark puts out every year.  Jackie started giving me them when they first came out....a long time ago,
     Julia pointed out the live tree has spider webs.  Not cobwebs.  Spider webs.  That will come down Thursday and it could be an emotional experience for me.  That's the family ornament tree, with ornaments created by little Julia and little Emily when they were in grade school.
    Every year I wonder:  where has the time gone?  How did it pass so quickly?  When did we go from being the parents of two little girls to being the parents of two adult women, strong in their ways and stubborn, just like mom and dad.
     We also have ornaments from Bob and Anita.  They start out with all our names, then it's just Jackie, Emily and me, then Jackie and me.  Now Bob and Anita are in California and it's a long distance call to deride his Packers.
     My goal is to have all of Christmas put away and the house cleaned by Saturday.  I find if I have stuff to do, it keeps my mind occupied.
     Tomorrow is airport day....Julia's flight is at 7 p.m.  I am sure the drive home will be lively and filled with entertaining conversation.
     Or maybe we'll be quiet and remember all the fun things our family did together over the past three plus weeks.
     And I'll once again ponder the question of why time passes so fast.

Monday, January 4, 2016

I'm feeling lucky!

I bought Powerball tickets today

     I feel real lucky about this!  Of course, I say that every time I buy a lottery ticket.  I am convinced I am going to win big.
     Then I will do my share to alleviate poverty, provide for the homeless, build needed facilities......well, ok, maybe not.  I mean, how many schools does a town need?
     The Powerball is a little over $400 million.  That's a lot of moolah.
     Then I Googled El Gordo, the Spanish lottery that is held every Christmas.  It's one of several lotto games done in Europe.
     The prize pool for the El Gordo drawn in December was....wait for it.....2.2 billion Euros.  Billion!! that's 9 zeros!!
     Holy Crap!  That is some serious money.   I could buy a country with that!  Or a state, like Illinois.
     Now that would be cool.  Going to the Guv and offering 2 billion for the state as is. I would be king, and you all would be my subjects!   Bwaaaahaaaahaaaa ha!  Well, not those of you who live out of state, but someday maybe I would take you over too and rule the world!!
     But, I digress.
     El Gordo awards lots of prizes....but I don't understand how to read the payouts on the web site.  I do know you can play on line from anywhere in the world, so next October I am going to buy a couple of El Gordo tickets.  Who knows?
     I just hope the guy who swiped my wallet didn't use that money to buy tickets.  And if he did, I hope he didn't win.
     And if he did win, it would have been nice of him to send me the money back.
     Never mind.  Just another pipe dream.
     I am going off to dreamland, thinking of ways to spend $400 million.  Be nice to me and I will remember that!
     $weet dream$!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Lueezy.....I'm comin' to join ya

I almost had two heart attacks tonight

     Em and John went to a Blackhawks game tonight so I had dog duty.
     That is not normally a problem.
     Did I mention Emily got a 6 foot tall chicken at her shower?  (OK, all the ladies did mention the chicken, which is a male,  in it's less used term....which rhymes with clock and sock.  Comments such as,  "Look at that big clock" were freely repeated.  And often.
     But I digress.
     I unlock the garage entry door and step into the dark and immediately jump. In the glow of the outside lights is this 6 foot chicken, silhouetted by the light.  I thought it was the guinea hen after being radiated by the Byron plant.
     Once my heart calmed down, I let the dogs out. (Feel free to bark four times at this point.)
     One dog, the Spanish one, did not go out.  Instead she went into the front room.  I left the back door open while I went to get her.
      I finally got the dogs all out and back in, which was a problem because Tess and Pearl took forever outside....Pearl because she lost her muzzle on the way out the door.  That caused her to become distracted by items in the yard.
     After about 15 minutes, all the dogs were back in....but I did not see the cat.
     Looked in the dining room.  Nope.  Bedroom.  Nope.  Laundry room.  Nope.
     I called and response.
     I went home and got Julia and a couple of flashlights.  My fear was Jaz went out the open door.
     I went into the yard and shined the light all over.  No cat.
     Julia checked in the basement.  I checked under the bed, in closets, in the dryer and washer.  No cat.
     I opened the cabinets in the island.  Julia checked closets and behind furniture.
     I opened the a kitchen  drawer and out popped one cat!  Scared the bejeebess out of me.  Julia laughed so hard she snorted.
      Jaz was in the kitchen towel drawer...wound up like a jack in the box.
     I assume he was in there for four hours or so.  I don't remember closing the drawer, and I know I did not see the cat when I first went in the house.  I heard him, but he was faint.
     All's well that ends well.  My heart got a couple of shocks....but evidently it's strong enough to withstand a giant chicken and a little cat.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

where were you?

I failed a memory test today

     Today there was a shower for my daughter.  Niece Cindy and her two lovely daughters stayed after for a while to visit.
    We got playing "Where were you when,"  which is not actually a game.  But remembering about events that shaped our lives.
     We talked about where we were when 9/11 happened, and the Oklahoma City bombing.  I mentioned that I was at Emily's house when the Challenger exploded and that the 30th anniversary of that was coming up.
     Em looked at me and said. "Really?  So you were at my house in Sycamore 30 years ago when I was....what, nine?"
     Of course I was not.  Emily remembers watching it on tv in school, and in reality was probably in fourth grade because we did watch it on tv.  It was another launch that exploded when she lived in Sycamore that I remember.
     Funny how the mind plays games and events get blurred together.
     It was a great shower.  Wonderful food and people I hadn't seen in ages.  It was good to see family and friends from years back.
     Chicago John came out and we went out to see the bison, then went for coffee.
     I took him to Cypress House, and we sat in the greenhouse area and sipped some freshly ground grounds and talked about lots of stuff two old guys find interesting.
     It's about midnight, and I am wide awake.  I also made a run to DeKalb this morning and of course could not pass up the I have a little caffeine in me that sort of prevents me from nodding off....or at this point sitting still.
     The storm sirens have been going on and off for the last ten minutes or so.  My first thought is a meltdown at the nuclear plant, but it is evidently a computer malfunction.
     We get a leaflet every year that tells us what to do if the plant malfunctions.
     I completely disregard the leaflet and tell Jackie just get in a car and drive into the wind for the next three hours.  I figure if we drive into the wind, the fallout will be blowing away from us.
     Strange what I think about when the mind is racing.  Every time it makes a corner, I hear an echo.    Seems I have a lot of empty space up there.
    Maybe Em will post the picture of the chicken she got today.  No, it won't go with the guinea fowl....the chick is too big!
     Peace and sweet dreams for all of you....or good morning.  Whatever.

Friday, January 1, 2016

deja vu, all over again

I got reacquainted with  a long missed old friend tonight

     His name is Johnny.....not John, but Johnny.
     We used to hang around a lot in the 60s 70s and 80s.  He taught me a lot of things about life, including how to be funny (or at least try to) and that sometimes jokes don't work.
     I gave up a lot of sleep for him, which hurt me.  Come to think of it, I knew him even before getting married to Jackie.  That may explain a lot of things about my life.
     Anyway, he came back into my life today.  It was great seeing him again.  He hasn't age a bit since I saw him last, although last time his hair was a little grayer.
     Now he's back.
     His full name is Johnny Carson.  And reruns of the Tonight Show started tonight at 10 on channel 367, or something like that.
     Hearing Ed  McMahon's voice booming, "Heeeeeeerres Jooooohhhhhnnnny!" brought back a flood of memories as the star bumbled once again through the peacock colored curtains on the set.
     Tonight's show was a rerun from Jan. 1, 1982.  He talked about the Rose Bowl, with Iowa playing just like they sort of did today.  He talked about the parade and the amazing floats.  He made jokes about the president, although it was Reagan, but the humor was still sharp and right on.
     Watching him was like a trip back in time.  Doc Seversen  was there, the band look like I remember them, the audience just as responsive.
     I probably won't be a regular watcher....but it's comforting to know that he's back and that I can tune in anytime I feel the need to be young again.
     And that would be most nights.

Happy New Year!!!!

I am looking forward to 2016

   Realize, it is 3 a.m. and people want to go to bed, or so say the Stones.
   Just want to say Happy New Year to all.
   Hope that 2016 finds you in good health, good wealth, and good humor.   and I don't mean the ice cream.   although that would not be so bad.
   Safe driving to the people on the roads, coming back from vacation or going away for the weekend.     Have a nice trip and a fun time.
    Have not been up this late since.....last year!
    2016 will be is even a bonus year!!
    Good night and peace and love to all