Saturday, October 31, 2015

a new record!!

We had 11 trick or treaters tonight!

     Last year we had......2.  The year before that.....0.   And before that.....0.  Our last year at Skare Court....2.
     So it was nice to see little kids, and a couple of bigger ones, at the door.
     Of course, I didn't schmooze with them.  Just gave them candy and let them go.  Usually I ask where they live, what their costume is, I offer them a trick of some I guess I was pretty boring.
     So that was how my rainy day turned out.  Watched a movie, gave out candy, watched tv.
     Now I am waiting for the clock to mysteriously turn back an hour.
     Deja vu, all over again.
     I always get messed up at this time of the year.  I don't sleep well to start with, and changing the hours really throws off my body rhythms.  I can't do things outside as late, and I don't get up early enough to take advantage of the morning light.
     So I run short on sleep the first couple of days.
     I am sure I am not alone.
     Enjoy your extra hour tonight.....time is a gift not given often.

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