Saturday, October 24, 2015

dag nab it

My mind is a terrible thing to waste

     I did my program at the museum dinner tonight, and it seemed to go over well.
     I put some time into developing the program.  I had audience involvement, a non funny joke or two, accurate historical references and a pleasing personality.
     What I didn't have was my main prop.
     I have had it for a month.  All I needed to do was take it out of the box and bring it with me.  I even looked in the box this morning to be sure all was well.
     As we were leaving the VFW hall, I realized I had forgotten my show stopper.  Didn't bring it with.  Didn't take it out of the box.
     I can't believe it.
     I even researched on line before I bought it, making sure it was the right size and shape and color and damn, I can't believe I forgot it.
     That is how I roll.
     Jackie sent me to the library Friday to pick up some papers.  I thought I would weed the Rotary garden while I was there.
     By the time I got to the library, it was raining.  So I sat in the car for a few minutes, wondering why I was so confused, and went home.
     No papers.
     When she asked where the papers were, I said I forgot them and would get them Saturday.
     So Saturday I went into town, hit three stores, and did not stop at the library.
     Am I losing my mind?  Am I getting early onset?
     Seriously, it can be a little scary.
     I know notes help, but cripes!  I don't want my life to be lived on 4 x 4 post its and little pieces of scrap paper I refused to throw out at some point.
     Maybe I just need some sleep.
     If I remember, I'll let the dog out and hit the hay.....or maybe I'll end up out in the yard, staring at the moon and wondering what the hell I am doing out there!

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