Monday, October 12, 2015

anticipation is making me wait

We're going to see the Cubs clinch tomorrow

     My plan is working out exactly the way I want it to.
     A split in St. Louis, win two at home ,advance to the league championship.
     Yes, the Cardinals are in the way, but I sure feel good about the Cubs winning tomorrow.
     I even have a plan.
     We're going to park in the remote lot and take the shuttle.
     Why, you ask?
     Because the streets will be so crowded after the game it will be impossible to move my car from a parking area.  I figure the buses will have a better chance of getting through the crowds.
     Normally I would stay and party with them, but Jackie has a tough time with the walker in crowds, so I am being very conservative tomorrow.  Next series I will not be as conservative!
     The game capped a frustrating day.
     I am washing windows....still.
     We have windows that tilt in, so you can wash the exterior from inside.....but I can't get the damn things to tilt!
     My friend Carrie showed me, but I can't do it.  Maybe the old guy is too weak, or maybe I am squeezing the wrong parts, but I can't get them to tilt.
     So I used a ladder and washed them on the outside.
     Of course, I had to take the screens down.  Let me tell you, when the wind is blowing at 90 miles an hour screens become sails.
     But it's the going up and down the ladder that kills my legs.  I feel like I have walked 10 miles.
     I go up and down a lot, because usually I get up there and realize I forgot something.  Or I dropped the rag.  Or I needed a dry cloth.  I may go up and down 15 times in washing one window.
     I was also afraid I would fall and break a leg.  Then I would miss the game tomorrow, and I would really be pissed.
     I still have 6 windows to go.  Hopefully Wednesday and Thursday I will be able to get them done.     Then I can work on washing and waxing the family vehicles.
    My work is never done.
    But tonight, I am.
    And anticipation just does not look spelled correctly.  But it does no show up in yellow as wrong, so I am going with it!!

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