Monday, October 5, 2015

buried alive.....

I am on day two of cleaning the den

     To be honest, I don't put a lot of time into it at one sitting.  Too near the computer, for one reason.
     And I can't.  I get too frustrated.
     I don't know what to save and what to toss.
     For example, I get Medicare statements about my health, insurance statements about outstanding claims as well as a monthly breakdown of drugs I use, three financial statements and Jackie also gets insurance, medicare, financials......I swear, the pile was about 8 inches high of paper.
     I don't know how long I have to keep it.
     Add in information on trees and wilt, the dog, the car, and half a dozen other pieces of paper that have accumulated and I am suddenly in a sea of papers with no shore in sight!
     I started notebooks a few years ago.  I have something like 11 notebooks, each with one inch or more of statements and papers.
     I would assume I should keep the medical stuff for at least the current year, then ditch it all.  But ... what if there is a question and they send me a letter that states :"Referring to our communication of March 15, 2014, we find you in default of 8 bazillion dollars."
     I would want that letter from March 15, 2014!
     I also have a stack of magazines, mostly read, that I want to cut pictures of animals out of for the zoo.  And a pile for a history walk I was going to develop for 2013.  And a pile of receipts for the outside table and chairs I was so dissatisfied with but not enough to actually write a letter about.
     I am organizationally challenged.
     I had hoped this week I would get windows washed.  Ain't gonna happen.  And next week should have been the cars.  But I have baseball tickets for the Cubs - Cardinals game and I don't want to miss being there when the Cubs win and move on to the league championship series.  Since it's a night game, that shoots two days because I will be tired.  And the fence people.  And the dog groomers.       And the colonoscopy......holy crap (no pun intended) I don't have time for all this paper stuff.
     Since I am so bummed, I think I will just go to bed.
     I am not tired, but staying up is useless.  I haven't ridden for three days and my knee is sore enough that I can't walk far either.
     And worst of all, I don't have any wine open!
     Maybe a magic wind will come and blow all this stuff least, in my dreams.

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