Friday, October 2, 2015

oops...another bad choice

I had a long trip home from the zoo today

It didn't start out that way.  I actually was on the road by 2:45, having stopped to see the new baby gorilla and to get a coffee.
I reached Woodman's in Aurora, and it went downhill fast.
First, I went back in the store because I thought I lost all my extra bags.  I couldn't find them anywhere.  These are my mesh bags and little red bags that I use for groceries.
Looked in the car, then decided maybe the coffee needed to be recycled, so I went back in the store again.
And a brilliant idea hit me.
Jackie and I had used the last of our Malnati's frozen pizza stash, and I knew the store was a short drive down Randall Road, and I could take Keslinger Road back home, just like I do when I drive to the Metra station in Aurora.
I forgot how Randall Road is.  Crowded.  Busy.  Stopped. Going slow.
Twenty five minutes later I was finally at Malnati's to pick up a couple of cheese pies (Jackie's favorite)  a couple of sausage and some supremes, which are terribly tasty.
No supremes.  Plenty of spinach, but no supremes.  They stopped making them a few months ago.
What kind of world is this when spinach pizzas are in demand and supremes are not?
Then I had to get back on Randall Road to head over to Keslinger.  It's a short distance, but a long drive.
I told Jackie I would be home by 5....rolled in about 6.
I think she could follow the pings of my travel as I used my debit card and she always gets notified.
But all is well that ends well.  My bags were in a bag with groceries, we have a two month supply of pizza, the Cubs won, and I think the caffeine is finally wearing off.
At least I hope so, because I'm heading for bed and I hate just lying there.

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