Sunday, October 18, 2015


This seems to be a weird week

     The Cubs dropped two to the Mets because they suddenly stopped hitting.  Good pitching does that.  I am hoping for a better week when the New Yorkers come to town.
     I really don't like the Mets.  Or the Yankees.  And I mean I really don't like them.  If all their arms fell off tonight, I would not be sad.
     The Bears lost another one they should have won.  I am sure it was Cutler's fault some way.  The race to the number one pick continues.
     Corki is real hesitant to go outside.  I think the invisible fence has her spooked a little.  Hopefully that will change.
     But the big thing that makes me wonder......this blog had 63 hits from Russia during the past week.  63.
     I like to think it's Vladdy getting a pulse on the average US citizen, but I would be surprised if he actually picked me.
     Maybe a Russian red (that's a my mind about seeing Bridge of Spies.  Or at least planning to see the movie.  I never actually go, I just plan to go.  I planned to see several movies over the last three months and have managed to not see any of them!
     I have saved a fortune in popcorn money.
     Problem is, I have spent a fortune on coffee this week......I do need to cut that extravagance from my life.
     Life is funny that way.  Win some, lose some.
     I hope I start winning soon.

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