Sunday, October 4, 2015

stop the spinning, please!!

Some people should not have computers

     Let me rephrase that.  Electronic devices.  Of any kind.  Period.
     It all started last night.
     I had a notice that my pc had an upgrade.  Click here.  That was simple.
     Enter your apple ID.  Not so simple.  You would think I would remember that.  Or write it down.    And maybe I did remember it and write it down, but I could not find it.
     Eventually, through a random using of every password I have ever used, I got in.
     24 hours later, it is still downloading.  Is that a problem?
     It finally finished and asked what my I Cloud password was.
     Now that I have written down.  Someplace.
     Passwords.  I can't remember people's names, how the hell am I going to remember a password?
     And yes, I write them down, but if I happen to change it for some unknown reason, I may forget to write the new one down, thinking I would always remember the password.  Well, I don't!
     My comcast e mail does not work  There is a password there.  But when I enter what I think is the password, it doesn't say it's wrong.  Or right.  Or anything.
     And if you misspell a password, you have to misspell it every time you use it.  Some of that problem was erased at the type password again box, but if I spelled it wrong there, and spell it correctly when using will not work!  I have to tell all of my former students:  Spelling Counts!!      All those times I said spell it like it sounds!  That's why Kim got donut wrong, although, to be honest, that is do nut ... do as in dew.  Doenut would be correct for the long o sound, except in Go the long o sound is made by the o, but it's not in do.........maybe the wine is confusing my thought process.
     Anyway, I had a glass or two of wine from my favorite cave in Switzerland.  (Explanation:  wine cellars in the French part are called caves.  I was not spelunking.)
     Earlier I had read a report about high arsenic levels in certain USA produced  red wines.  I suggested to wifey that I needed some more reds, and the obvious place to go would be to Switzerland where I could pick up six or 8 bottles.
     She told me know.  Or no.  Won of them.  Or one of them.
     Don't forget to listen to three minute fictions on WNIJ, 89.5 between 6:45 and 8:45 starting tomorrow.  They will be announcing the fifth place winner of the contest on Monday.
     That's it.

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