Sunday, October 11, 2015

that was special

I did my program today

     It was a presentation on Rochelle history for the DAR on their 125th anniversary celebration.
     They had me in the program as a skit.  Well, it takes two to skit.
     I was one.
     Instead of using the microphone, I opted to yell.  While this gave me freedom of movement, it scared the hell out of some little kids.
     I put a lot of hours into prep for this.  Yes, Sheri, unlike my lesson plans for the last three years of teaching, I did write things down before hand.
     I put my spiel on big index cards, punched a hole in the upper left corner, and put a ring through them so I would not lose my place.  Some of the cards had questions which the audience could answer.
     Here's a gem:  Rumor has it, a group of citizens were meeting in a drug store and one of them spotted a bottle of Rochelle Salts on the shelf.  It was suggested Rochelle would be a good name.  In those days, what were salts?

A.  Seasoning for buffalo meat
B  A cathartic
C   a crime you can be charged with for thinking about hitting someone.  Assault is threatening a person, so sault should be  just thinking about it.....get it?

     I don't think they did.
    TC and Beth, it was not funny, you are right.
    And the answer is B in case you are wondering.
     How about this:  from 1835-1845, these outlaws kept the pioneers in a state of great fear and dread.  Who were they?

A.   Cosa Nostra
B.   Prairie Bandits
C.   Comcast

     That did get some laughs.
     Anyway, they said short.  I asked them when I got there and someone said , "About 10-12 minutes."
     I had 33 cards.
    So, in addition to yelling, and making jokes that made no sense, I talked extremely fast.  So fast, I actually finished in about an hour.  At least that is what it seemed.
     People were nice about it.  Afterward one lady asked me if I spoke in classrooms about history.
     When I said I could, she asked if I would go to DeKalb.
     Since I know nothing about DeKalb history, I said, "Of course.  I can come Tuesday."
     Just joking.  I told her no, I would not do a program on DeKalb history.
     And a couple of former students were in the audience and actually talked to me.  One young man visited with me afterwards.
     I swear, if his mother had not told me who he was, I would have never known him.
     I always like to run into former students and hear their success stories.  It just makes me feel good, although fifth grade is a far way from real life.
     Anyway, now to start working on my Oct. 24 presentation.......

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