Thursday, October 15, 2015

beep beep, honk, honk

At least it wasn't a deer

     I took a bike ride in town, using the bike path.
     A beautiful fall day....a little windy, but nice temps.
The corn fields along the path have been harvested.  As I was riding I noticed the squirrels had discovered the loose corn in the field and were constantly scurrying across the path from their homes in the trees along the river.
   I notice when I drive, squirrels often pick my car as the vehicle to end their life.  They always seem to dart into the street and freeze.
   They are probably saying, "Oh shit" in squirrel talk, but they seem incapable of movement.  And people drive over them.
     I was thinking all this as I pedaled along when out of the field darted a squirrel.
     Oh, he was a big fella all right.  He took about three steps onto the bike path and then froze.
     As I tried to avoid him, he suddenly jumped forward and hit my wheel.
     The sucker flipped up into the air, landed on my knee and bounced downward.  I swear I felt my tire roll over him.
     I was a little upset.  That tree rat could have bitten me!  Or caused me to wreck my bike, thereby creating a second shoulder issue.
     I continued riding.  But I wondered about the little furry  fella's fate.
     So on the way back, I paid close attention to squirrels.
     I did have some fears.  What if they mustered forces and ganged up on me. seeing as I just killed their friend?  I pictured rounding a corner and seeing 50 little squirrels, all on their hind legs, chattering away in squirrel talk :"Take him down, boys."
     Then I thought of Christmas Vacation and wondered if the squirrel was still on my, perhaps clinging to my sweatshirt or perched atop the helmet, little whiskers blowing in the breeze.
     I slowed down when I came to the area of the accident.  I was afraid I would find d a crippled or dead squirrel on the path, grieving fellow squirrels surrounding their king's body.
     But nothing.
     No gang of squirrels.  No body.  Just one little guy with a funny run and a bent tale, who kept one eye on the bike as it passed him by.
     And tonight I read my friend Jill down in Texas also hit a squirrel while out riding!!
     Friends, this is the start of the Apocalypse.  Grab your food and head for the safety of a shelter.
    The squirrels are coming.

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