Wednesday, October 21, 2015

that was some season

I am still a proud Cub fan

     Maybe a little dehydrated, but still proud of the team.
     They gave Jackie and I so much pleasure this year.  Watching them grow, celebrate, have fun, hit.... it was a special season.
     Yes, losing is bitter.  I hate ending the season on a loss.  But as a Cub, it is better to lose in the playoffs than be below 500 and just playing out the season.
     I ended up going to 8 games this year.....I believe I was 3-5, but I could be wrong.  I do know, despite the record and the finish, it was great sitting at the park, eating Italian sausages or Cuban sandwiches from the Decade Diner.
     Spending time with good friends, both at the park and at home, made for a lot of memories this season.
     It's really hard to believe that last January I was at the Cubs Convention.  It seems like is was just last week.
     In that time I've seen my daughter's house get leveled by a tornado and a dog joining our little family.
     Strange things happen in life.
     In three months, there will be another Cubs Convention.  And the season will begin again, and I'll be filled with hope and optimism.
     Until then, bye Cubbies!  Enjoy your well earned rest but be ready to come back and win it all, because I am waiting for next year!

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